Beautiful,fantastic day...

We had a fantastic day.. Amazing what a beautiful summer day can do for your spirits... (look at those legs!- baby girl is growing up..) I sooooo appreciate my time at home & with my babies.. and even the time with my "babies daddy" It was a perfect long weekend.. spent recharging the batteries.. One of the things the kids are most concerned about the divorce, is that we will no longer have family time together.. As we explain.. over and over and over..(can't say it enough) We will ALWAYS be family.. ALWAYS.. Bj and I may not be married anymore.. but with two beautiful kids.. we will always be family. Yesterday was perfect weather & Eva was itching to get out to drive the boat "alone".. We loaded the family up and headed to town for ice cream.. then home for a family dinner.. We ate.. we joked.. we talked about our summer plans.. America with Mom.. and Cyprus with Dad.... the s...