Jevnaker, Norway - Work

Last week I was in Jevnaker for work... what a LOVELY area in Oppland. I know it is breathtakingly BEAUTIFUL.. yet I never allow myself enough time to stop and take pictures on the drive up... perhaps next time.. We stayed here at Thorbjornrud Hotel - beautiful views and fantastic food and wine ... Hadeland Glassverks Factory We had a little outing with work here at the Hadeland Glassverks Factory.. if you are in the area it is well worth the visit. As it always is with me, it is either feast or famine... You don't hear from me in AGES.. and now you will be bombarded with 5000 posts. :-) I may have been horrible posting on my blog.. but I am an INSTAGRAM fanatic.. lol.. posting photos of where I am almost daily.. instagram name : tressa_in_norway