The worst year.. the best year.. time will tell...

Been awhile.. - Remember me?
I've been on the fence about whether or not to start blogging again..
But I really miss the outlet it gives me..
I miss keeping track of all of the things going on in my life..
what a difference a year makes.. or even 6 months.. I think that was the last time I posted.
I also worry about filtering myself, where I haven't always been very good. :-)
Several years ago, after a dinner party, we had some friends tell us they were splitting up.
But they were going to be really good friends and hoped we would include both when we were inviting people...
hmmm.. we were there to help them move out of their family home and move them into their separate homes.. not far from one another..
They were SOOO NICE to each other. it was almost odd.
I couldn't wrap my head around them splitting up if they were such good friends.
Not really any of my business, but secretly I wondered why they couldn't just push through and make it work..
Three years later and after 19 years together- Bj and I have decided to do the same.
Will we be such good friends? - I dunno,- but it is worth a shot and we are trying.
It's still difficult to say outloud.. hard to write it down.. and even more difficult to tell people.
I suppose I ought to get busy and contact my maid of honor and let her know before someone reads this and asks her if she knew...
I know that it isn't really anyone's business.. but when I tell people, I feel I must add..
it wasn't anyone's fault or perhaps both of our fault.
But we aren't splitting up because of anything horrible..
just because after all of these years, we can honestly say that we don't see a future together.
My main focus right now is taking care of my babies and making sure that they will be OK..
and taking care of myself.
The worst part about it (besides the kids) is being on the other side of the world from my largest support system.. my family..
Being single at 40 (something), and for the first time in my life, living on my own.
The best part about it is... taking care of my babies.. I think we are both being better parents making sure that our kids are ok..  living on my own for the first time..
Having an awesome job that I love
 and allows me to travel when I don't have the children...
 is pretty awesome too. 
I am really trying to find my HAPPY PLACE..
and to become the person I should have been in the first place.
an independent, strong, woman...
I will try to be better about posting.. even if it is in the form of pictures..
of where I am .. and what I am up to.
for those of you who still read my blog despite my many months away,
THANK YOU for hanging in there.
I appreciate all of your support and prayers for the upcoming year..
which could turn out to be the worst or the best..


Joyce said…
I'm sorry to hear your news. I'm sure it's challenging and there is a lot to figure out. I think writing is often a good outlet for all of that and I hope you find a way to blog that is comfortable as you process this big life change. I will keep you in my prayers and your kiddoes too. Take care.
Betsy said…
Big hugs to you!!! I can relate to what you are going through. Praying for you and your children!

Anonymous said…
My heart hurts for you. #prayers
Hang in'll find your "new normal". Sending you a hug from this side of the ocean to yours! :)
Caroline said…
I'm sorry my friend. Always here for you <3
Anonymous said…
I'm sorry to hear this - but it sounds as if you have both made the right decision. Hugs.
Unknown said…
Thank you Fi 😜.
Sara Louise said…
I'm not good with words so I'm just going to send you some hugs instead --> OOO
Bill Lisleman said…
I noticed a comment you shared on another blog and I thought hey I remember reading her blog a long time ago (internet time goes by faster than any other time).
So it's great to read a post, but the news. Well it kinda sucks. Long ago before the web I had a bad and good year with a divorce. You know, I tend to easily think of the bad stuff from that year but really there was plenty of good stuff too. Sometimes the good stuff takes longer to realize. All the best and take very good care of those kids and try not to complain about your ex in front of them - they don't need the extra stress.
Unknown said…
Thank you Bill 💗 trying my very best to be friends with the ex.. Our children are the most important thing to both of us ...
Robbi said…
Hugs to you and the kids. Take extra good care of yourself and the kids during this time. I wish you the very best, and I have faith that things will turn out fine for you and the kids. I hope you find that you have more of a support system in Norway - people can surprise you. <3 Klem.
Mary said…
I think you're actually very brave, not only to realize and accept that it just isn't working, but to stay there & work. Best of luck to you.
Travel Bugs said…
Glad to see you back :-)
Debie Napoleon said…
It's best to follow your heart, your children will appreciate it in the long run as it lets them see how adults can act bravely in the face of the unknown.
Good luck with the new journey!
Angela said…
I've been away from blogging for a long while now, but yours was one of the first I ever read, and I really enjoyed hearing your stories about life in Norway. I thought of you just the other day (one of the kids in my youngest's preschool class is Finnish (?) and, while I know that's a different country (!), it made me think of Scandinavia in general. I thought of your blog and wondered what you've been up to. This is the first post I tripped over, so I have some catching up to do, but for now, sending you a hug and prayers that all is going as well as possible for you!

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