Getting a job as a foreigner....
Having been an ex pat in Norway..TWICE.. I can tell you a thing or two about TRYING to land a job over here... it AIN'T EASY. Now, this is MY experience.. (.. & the experience of all of my ex pat girlfriends over here.) There are of course those.. with some wonderful education in a specialized field who will tell you that getting a job over here is EASY.... maybe for THEM is was... for the rest of us... not so much. When I arrived the first time.. a bright & bushy tailed 25 year old... with a double major & a minor.. 3 years work experience.. & 3 languages... I thought it would be a BREEEZE landing a job. That is what my new husband told me. Why wouldn't someone want me? In the U.S. most employers think that if you have a degree.. you can be TAUGHT to do anything... Oh you have a BA in English? sure you can work in HR.. or sales etc. Not so much here... In Norway.. MOST people work with their degrees... not s...