The BIG.BAD. toothfairy

Eva F I N A L L Y  lost her second tooth.

My children are just like me. 
They like to hold onto these baby teeth as long as possible. 
I still had a baby tooth or two in ninth grade.. (weird little tidbit for ya.)

Eva lost her tooth at school... & then she LOST it again..for real... is in NO TOOTH for the tooth fairy.

I explained that the Tooth Fairy knows what a nice little girl Eva is...
& I am sure if we just leave a little note...
explaining how the tooth was lost...
that the TF would still leave her a little something.

(There are so many weird little things you don't think about when you marry someone from a different country/culture...
How do they celebrate Christmas?  Easter? What happens when you lose a tooth?

Growing up, we always left our tooth under our pillow for the tooth fairy. 
Here in Norway...they leave the tooth in a glass of water... usually by a window.)

Back to Eva's tooth...

So I get little Miss ready for bed... we write her note...  & then she asks what we should do with a the note...

Not thinking Norwegian vs American... I say "oh, just put it under your pillow..."
I didn't notice the expression on her face.. but Bjørn did...

Bjørn, being the ever sensitive pappa that he is... says..

"yes, thats right... put it under your pillow... & then when you are sleeping the toothfairy will come into your room, & left up your pillow.... & leave you a little something..." bruuuuhaaaahaaahaaaa

Nothing like telling a 6 year old that some stranger will be coming in to our house in the middle of the night... into her room... where she is sleeping ... ALL BY HERSELF.. & lifting up her pillow....

THAT WAS IT!----  the crying, the SCREAMING... the look on her face.
I am sorry... I am sure this proves that I am the most ROTTEN mother EVER... 
 but it was soo funny.

Of course she ended up sleeping with us...  she was pretty freaked out..
we left the note out in the family room.. & Eva received money for the tooth that was lost...

Made me think again about the differences between the US & Norway...

Norway is one of the safest countries in the world...  The U.S. umm, maybe not.

American children are taught from BIRTH about STRANGER DANGER etc.. but don't think twice about Santa sliding down the chimney... a giant bunny hopping though your house or some strange fairy lifting your pillow while you are asleep...

Here in Norway... well... Santa usually comes & knocks on your awake... the toothfairy doesn't bother you while you sleep... & the Easter Bunny? - I haven't figured that out yet..


Omg..too funny! I hate the under the many nights sneaking in only to have the floor creek and lay there waiting and hoping she doesnt wake up all to find the tooth under the pillow and not wake her up to put a coin under....crazy! I like the jar idea better or tooth fairy pillow. Have a wonderful Sunday!
Skogkjerring said…
They don't have Easter bunnies here, they have chicks, who leave eggs filled with candy usually in the living no one gets bothered while they are sleeping!
I actually never thought about any of those things either until you mentioned it in your post, but it's true, children in the USA are taught all these things about strangers and yet Santa comes into the house at night without anyone knowing, the tooth fairy is in your room while you're sleeping, and then there is the Easter Bunny- geez I'm glad I'm not a kid anymore- SCARY BUSINESS!!
Bwhahahaha - that's so funny. I can just imagine Bjørn.... Nicholas always used to get confused about the chicken vs the easter bunny thing
marcela said…
hahah that was so funny! Poor Eva! :)
Here in Brazil we put the tooth under the pillow too.
Unknown said…
Not having hit the tooth fairy age just yet, I had been wondering if Norway "has" a tooth fairy. I love your husband's response. . . . too too funny. . .

We're about to start talking about a binky (pacifier) fairy 'round here. One that leaves a special toy in exchange for the stinky rotten binky.
Audreya said…
Too funny!!

My friends had a similar incident at Christmas. Their little girl is almost 4 and was terrified at the idea of "a man" (Santa) coming in the house while she was sleeping. They said "Then how will he leave your presents?" She said "On the porch!" So, of course, Christmas morning all her presents were on the porch. At least Santa and the Norwegian tooth fairy are respectful. :-)
Lisa said…
I never thought about the Norwegian tooth fairy! Or lack there of?! Now I have to ask Lars...

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