Best day E V E R!

OMG! I have had the best day ever. I don't actually start my new job intim May 1st. But my new boss co workers have been AWESOME.... Including me in everything possible. Today I attended a meeting for all of the Norwegian managers....

Super frest group... Everyone was warm & welcoming....

The invitation started by æking me if i wanted to attend the meeting.... (of course) invitation to dinner ( I never turn down a night in Oslo...). Then it was suggested I stay in the city... At a lovely 5 star hotel.... Umm ok, being the team player that I am... I agreed :-)

Half way through the meeting... We started talking about social to use it....Ect. Started talking about i phones, i pads. & all of the applications etc....

All of a sudden....I felt like I was at the Oprah show.... They started passing out iPads to ALL of US.... OMG... Are you kidding? I haven't Even started working for you yet!

New job, new boss, new team.....I Love y'all already!

I keep wanting to pinch myself.... Whew... Can my 40th year really be this good?


rach said…
wow just about an awesome employer!! Its so great to find a job that makes all the years of hard work feel like such a great validation!! hope all the wonderful keeps up!
Wow that is awesome! A ay like that doesn't com along often - especially related to work. Wahoo!
cat said…
Oh gosh, super awesome. You deserve it.
MommyLisa said…
That is so great. Good for you!
Sandy said…
Wowzers! Sounds like a wonderful company to work for and thrilled that you are so happy. :)
Anonymous said…
OMG! Excellent. I am so happy for you - nobody deserves it more than you! Remember to give me a buzz next time you're in Oslo. xx
Kelly said…
Yes, it can and you deserve it!!! xxoo
Unknown said…
I was just surfing the net and found your blog. Congrats on your new job! :) Well I thought I'd contact you because I've been looking for a job in Norway, but I'm finding it difficult to get considering that I don't speak Norwegian. Do you have any tips or company names that I can apply for? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Feel free to email me at .Thank you! :)
Anonymous said…
Super stoked for you! Its so nice to be a part of a team that truly takes care of their employees!!, good luck :)
Kelli Nørgaard said…
First question--do they have a satellite office in DK? :-)

And second question-- what time did you go to bed that first night when all you wanted to do was to play on the new iPad?!?!
Jessica Perez said…
Dear American in Norway,

This is a friendly follow-up to our first message to you (May 2010), to warmly invite you again to list your blog on our Expat Women Blog Directory ( Blogs like yours are excellent sources of information for relocating expats, so we would love to include it with our other 1,700+ self-listed blogs.

We are also excited to let you know that we just re-launched our main website (, so please drop by and have a look if you are interested.

Many, many thanks and wishing you success abroad!

Jessica Perez for
Jaymo said…
How cool is that! All right, personally find that encouraging too, thanks for sharing.
Congratulations on your new job! I guess you have found how to turn off auto correct on your iPad. I really don't dare write anything with that crazy touch pad - you never know what gets published!

As they say in Norwegian "everything always works out for good girls"!
Tezzie said…
I'm SO happy for you!!!

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