Reason to have a P A R T Y.. woo hoo...

While at Eva's class party this evening... I decided to host a party for all of the other mommies in the her class... I am going to introduce all of the Norwegian mommies to a AN A M E R I C A N cookie exchange.... woo hoo I love any excuse to entertain. Ya ya... I know it is nothing new to most of y'all... but the mommies I talked to this eveing thought it was the coolest idea E V E R... So on the spur of the moment... I decided on a date... and am moving full speed ahead... I need some ideas for some nice girly - christmasy cocktails .. cute invites... LOOK AT THESE... can you say flipping ADORABLE? Only way to make them better.. would to replace the coffee cups with martini glasses... but then again, maybe I am the only one who has to include the Martini/Cosmo in any event? I would have a party just so I could send the invites out... I found them over at Christina Studio Designs Blog The only CRAPPY thing about having any sort of Chr...