Reason to have a P A R T Y.. woo hoo...

While at Eva's class party this evening... I decided  to host a party for all of the other mommies in the her class...

I am going to introduce all of the Norwegian mommies to a
AN  A M E R I C A N cookie exchange.... woo hoo
I love any excuse to entertain.
Ya ya... I know it is nothing new to most of y'all... but the mommies I talked to this eveing thought it was the coolest idea E V E R...   

So on the spur of the moment... I decided on a date... and am moving full speed ahead...

I need some ideas for some nice girly - christmasy  cocktails..
cute invites...
LOOK AT THESE... can you say flipping ADORABLE?
Only way to make them better.. would to replace the coffee cups with martini glasses... but then again, maybe I am the only one who has to include the Martini/Cosmo in any event?

I would have a party just so I could send the invites out...  I found them over at Christina Studio Designs Blog

The only CRAPPY thing about having any sort of Christmas thing in Norway is that you have to
CLAIM THE DATE.. WAAAAY early..  Norwegian's are CRAZY for Christmas celebrations... which means the Christmas Parties start in Nov & will keep going until Jan.

Cute ideas?  Send 'em my way....


Samira said…
Wow! I am very impressed with your blog. I am a Canadian planning to move to Norway (someday.) Any advice? I would definitely love to keep coming back to your blog. :)
- Samira
Cosmos for any occassion?! OF COURSE! :)
M said…
Hehehe I saw the invitation and was thinking "oh, no, it is the NORWEGIAN version of party? at 1pm saturday? with cookies and "kaffe"?" hehehe...

Well, what I LOVE from Houston is the smell of barbeque ribs, and it is a meat I don't remember the name, but you cut it in thin slices and have it in the oven like 4-5 hours... hehehe meat, and meat. We are moving back to norway soon! So I HAVE TO eat all the meat I can...

What about some tex-mex? is delicious too! You know how to make chili con carne? Real guacamole? not the "thing" in powder norwegians mix with "rømme" that is suppose to taste like "real" guacamole... some cheese... Ok, breakfast time, I think...

Good luck in your party, I am sure it is going to SPECTACULAR!

Have fun :D
Heather said…
Sounds like a great idea!

Would you believe that even though I've catered many parties, I'm having difficulty thinking of any great apps?
Laural Out Loud said…
I don't have any advice (I wish I did, but I'm not at all creative!), but I wish I could come to your party! The invites are awesome. I can't wait to hear how it goes!
What a fantastic idea! I am totally going to do this. If I can get my house clean and tidy, that is.
Anonymous said…
The Lyford Cay School serves as a community resource for intercontinental and Bahamian families. Lyford Cay College offers a high par Nursery through Piercing Inculcate education. Through a multi-cultural territory that promotes understanding amongst multiform nationalities, students are provided with the opportunities and resources to ripen into cross-cultural learners and front-office citizens. Lyford Cay Followers is an distinct, non-denominational, time school. The coterie is a non-profit-making metaphysics ens governed around a Game table of Directors.
Jennifer said…
A super cute idea that I saw in a magazine the other night is to make gingerbreak men and women and after they have baked, "hollow out" the cookie for their clothing would be and melt a jolly rancher or any hard candy to be the clothing. It sounds odd, but looks super cute and leaves a lot of room for creativity!

p.s. love your blog
DianeCA said…
I love the invites (and cosmos) and hope your cookie exchange goes well. I tried a couple of times to interest my Norwegian friends in this idea without much luck. We have after a while begun a yearly tradition of making some decorations together and I am thankful for that :-) Oddly they all love my chocolate chip cookies and brownies.
Lizzie said…
hey girl! LOVE those invites :) hope you have fun with all the mommies. and MERRY CHRISTMAS!
arandomchild said…
Don't know if they count as "girly", but two of my all time favorite yule-tide cocktails are hot chocolate with cinnamon schanpps and egg nog with blackberry brandy. (Don't know if you can get the pre-requisite hooch in those ethnicities in Norway, though.)
Jeanne Estridge said…
Those are just too stinkin' cute!
Miss Footloose said…
You may start a new trend in Norway! One of the fun parts of expat life is learning new things, but also to offer new ideas and see how they go over.

Hope it was a great success!
Laurel said…
Hey there! It has been forever since I checked in. Your photography is looking great! I'm not blogging so much these days. Back in the states and time starved! I'll check back in again soon. Happy New year!

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