The butter underground....


rach said…
Ahh I can't get the colbert report in Ireland! I'm going through some serious withdrawls! So i see you got your hands on some it as bad as i hear? Pretty sure a butter shortage in Ireland would bring the country to its knees haha!
Joanna Jenkins said…
He's a hoot-- I watch him all the time.

As for the butter-- I'd have to leave the country if there was a shortage ;-)

Cheers, jj
Leah said…
We're all dying laughing at that clip over here--hysterical! I still just don't understand how a butter shortage happens, exactly...
Anonymous said…
You lucky girl!!! I was so excited to get one the other day that it felt like I won the lottery!!! Klem, dd
Kelli Nørgaard said…
I thought of y'all as I buttered my rundstykker this morning! :-)
Skogkjerring said…
Let me guess did you shop on or did you sneak across the border and buy these legally yourself??? ;-) Seriously though, do you really use so much butter that you miss it? We use margarines, like didn´t miss butter at all :-))) Hope you´re having a great holiday :-)))

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