I ♥ Faces -Silhouette

I ♥ Faces -Silhouette... this week is a little different.. we are able to choose one photo to enter... (darn...I had two...) but I think this is my fav....

Eva out at a beach near our home...
I love the yellowish clouds & her hair blowing in the wind... She was jumping up & down on the rocks (safety first in our house...LOL)
One of the things I LOVE about Norway are the LONG summer days... this shot was taken about 7 pm...

Head on over to
I Heart Faces, & see who else is playing! Are you playing yet? if not...WHY NOT? Sooo many neat bloggers who WOW me every week...get on over there...go on ...


Frizzy said…
Very cool action silhouette! I envy your closeness to the beach. Happy Memorial Day to you too my dear.
Mum-me said…
Lovely photo. I couldn't find anywhere to get a nice clear silhouette like that (too many mountains and trees in the way!) I like the way the sun is shining on the water too.
Jen said…
I think that you take the best photos!
Unknown said…
Oh my gosh! I just LOVE this picture to pieces! So pretty! Very sweet! I love your summer days. NICE!
BenLand said…
if they don't pick this shot as one of their winners then they're crazy!!!!
i love the sky....it is picture perfect!
very well done :)
Mary Ellen said…
I love silhouette pictures, and all things beach related, so this one's a winner!
Laural Out Loud said…
I love that you can still see a bit of color and that the silhouette isn't completely blacked out by the light. Very nice!!
tiarastantrums said…
yes, I agree, this one was hard this week!!

great job!
MsTypo said…
Hubby couldn't get over the long summer days while we were there. He loved that it was still light out at nine. LOL

Lovely photo. I love the light. Great shot! :)
Heather said…
Yep, mine was taken after 8pm. Don'tcha love the summer??

Wow, what gorgeous sky!! And I love Eva's arms up - did she do that on her own?? Too cute!
Gorgeous. I love the sky. I love the subject! Wonderful.
Carrie said…
Love this one! Beautiful water and shadow!
Foursons said…
Wow, that sunburst and sky are gorgeous! I think you made an awesome choice to enter this one.
Mrs. Bird said…
Great shot! She looks so happy!
Kelli W said…
Great picture!! I love how blue the sky is!
Carmen said…
great shot, I love it...
Donna said…
What a beautiful sky! Totally cool pic...

Our blog: Double Happiness!
That's beautiful... GREAT JOB!!!
Unknown said…
very cool shot!
Rebecca said…
look at that sky! awesome shot!
Kath said…
Love the gorgeous colors of this poster pic!
heather nan said…
the colors are fantastic!
4 Lettre Words said…
Wow! That is lovely. Best of luck to you!!
jen said…
beautiful colors and sky ... and subject too (of course) ...
Christy said…
Very cool photo! love the action (and safety first, of course) LOL!
Natalie said…
Thanks for stopping by! Your silhouette is beautiful :)
Annette said…
Lovely sky and I like the angle that you got the water in the shot.
Melissa G said…
It looks like she is standing on the top of the world.
The long summer days is one of the things i'm enjoying most right now about Northern Ireland! Isn't it great!? It's almost 10pm and it's still light outside!
Leia said…
very cool shot!
Karyn said…
I agree with your love of the soft buttery clouds and your darling's hair a'blowin'! You remarked on my blog that you wanted to be taught but you clearly understand how to achieve the silhouette! All I did for mine was find a hillside that put my boys at the top of the hill with the sun going down behind them and I laid downhill from them shooting upward. I was working with a stationary horsey afterall so I positioned the horse in front of the sun and then just waited for The Boy to rock so his body blocked the sunshine. The star shape of the sun was a lucky catch through the peephole his hat and neck created. I don't know about you, but now that I am cognitively aware of how cool silhouettes can be I can't get enough of them, before this contest they were just mistakes!
Anonymous said…
Cool shot.
Unknown said…
she looks like she is having a blast! Nice picture
Unknown said…
That is so pretty! Thanks for stopping by!
Taylor said…
Love the beach shots! Beautiful sky!
Lovely Norwegian sunset and great photo!
Debbie @ OtRD said…
Love your photo! Just came by to say hi. How long have you been in Norway? I have lived overseas a few times and know there are probably a few things you miss from home but there are probably many more great things there. Stop by and say hi when you get a chance.
Anonymous said…
She is so adorable! Great Picture...stop taking them so I can win..hahah Shi~
MaryRC said…
oh wow i LOVE that, i also love the sun! that lovely girl could be me ;-)

stopping in via sits, i see you lots at roll call, thought i'd click on ya!
Penelope said…
What a gorgeous photo! I love the ocean in the background, and Eva is so cute, jumping up and down like that!
Great picture!! I somehow never manage to get that just right moment!!
Kelly said…
Fun picture! and the sky is beautiful!
Hana said…
Great photo, great silhouette! Good luck in this weeks contest and thanks for stopping by my blog!
AshleyS said…
so cute--I love her celebration!
Tracy P. said…
I like the angle--beautiful colors to offset the silhouette!
Vicky said…
Such a great action shot.
Love the emotion and the energy in this picture...beautiful entry!
Laurie said…
Great pic! I love all the colors going on!:)
Jen H said…
Cool photo - love the reflection in her hair. Thanks for your comment!
Jen H
Skeller said…
so beautiful! I especially like her lovely long hair blowing behind her. so nicely captured!
Tess said…
Great color! I'd love to visit Norway in the summer! :)
Kim said…
This has to be one of my favorites now. I just love her hair, the sun the water, the rocks. I love it all and you did a fantastic job capturing it.

I played along too...come on over!
Vodka Mom said…
Very very gorgeous!!
BenLand said…
no silhouette pictures for me.....i've never had much success in that area...hahahaha.....i'm still learning....maybe next time....

i hope you win!!!!
CalvaryGirl said…
This is a beautifu photo. I agree about the yellow clouds; the sky almost looks like a gradient!
Thanks for stopping by and visiting my contest entry! I really appreciate your taking the time to comment :)

~*~ Wendy ~*~
Raising Foodies: Apple Slaw
Tell Me Thursday: Catch Up Edition
Wordless Wednesday: Skater-dude at work
TinaJewel said…
she looks so carefree and happy. good job. thanks for "visiting" me. nice to get a comment from you.

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