Hey you... hungry butt!

Hey you, Hungry butt!!!!.... First thought that played through my mind as I stood behind the woman in the GREY SWEATPANTS in line at the post office.....

Hungry Butt is what my little sister & her friends say when referring to what in my day, was called a WEDGIE.....

"Hungry Butt" just fit the large bottom, which was gobbling its underwear in front of me....

Ugh.... the sight of her butt was burning into my mind as I waited in the ridiculously SLOW line at the post office....

No longer able to stand the site... I put my boxes down... and did the neighborly thing.... I pulled her underwear out of her butt.... You should have seen the SHOCK & SURPRISE on her face...

Ummm, OK I didn't do that... I tapped her on her shoulder & in my best AMERICAN accent announced to her & the rest of the post office... that she had the picture perfect HUNGRY BUTT... cause it was gobbling everything in sight...

K... I didn't do that either... I just stood there wondering to myself... WHY? WHY would anyone in their right mind would leave their house in sweatpants crawling up their butt? (am I a freak of nature for letting this BUG me?...I am, aren't I?)
(I am in bitch mode...must be the onset of PMS...A G A I N....)

In the hopes of becoming a BETTER BLOGGER.... I have decided to go ahead & write down all of the crazy shit that goes through my head during the day rather than only writing periodically... (watch my followers dwindle...)

So today I wonder out loud to all of you.... Why do we wear sweatpants.... ? Sweatpants are on my list up there with acid washed jeans & leg warmers....

BELIEVE me... I am no fashionista.... Bjørn actually told me a few weeks ago that I dressed BORING... Think LL Bean comfort.... (not proud of it... but I tread on the cautious preppy-ish side of things...)
(Kelly over at Song for Whoever is in shock & disbelief... Yes Kelly, I have packed all of my sequined & flashy numbers up & am in MOMMY mode... 24 hours a day.... No more Boob tops for me)

Anywho... sweatpants...grey in particular are THE WORST... are they really THAT comfortable? REALLY? You can see EVERYTHING through those pants... every single dimple & ding... crawling panties ... you see where I am going with this.....
Even if you don't THINK you have anything that might show through... you probably do! (my 9 year old was happy to point out all of my flaws & even suggested I look at my own ass in a mirror... O U C H...)

& even if you have a really great butt... why would you wear grey sweatpants? Show off your great little BOOTIE.... I would if I had a great little butt.....

One of my many goals for the year is to look as young as I feel.... which means I need to continue losing my baby weight... (yes, my baby Eva is 4.5 now) & get some new clothes & a new LOOK, which doesn't SCREAM... "I have given up because I have children...."

I ran to our "mall" today just to see if there was anything great on sale.... I was slapped in the face that the 80's really are back.... Is it everywhere or just here in Norway?.....

Back to the butt in the grey sweatpants..... if you MUST wear them... how about going commando... or even better... invest in a pair of SPANX... SPANX can make Almost anything look good... (another downside of living in Norway... no Victoria Secret or anywhere to get good undergarments... ) In the words of my wise mother..." you have to start with a good foundation... Steel belted bras & girdles..." she may be right about this.....

Note to self... import SPANX into Scandinavia & make a million bucks..then move home.....

Sigh... I have just worn myself out.... I know I am a freak...


Anonymous said…
Personally, I can't wait to see what's rolling around in that head of yours all day!
I agree - sweat pants are just bad especially with underwear of any kind.
I am going to admit my huge fashion don't. That I do. That I really shouldn't. Because it does show everything. And is sooo unflattering to my ginormous body. But...they are so comfortable. And they go with my I have given up look. I wear leggings. ;-)
jewelstreet said…
I'm with Shanna. I think you are so hilarious.

Hungry butt. lol. And, just when I picked out my grey sweatpants for joining the Biggest Loser thing at the Y.
Anonymous said…
Ah - the dilemma of the wedgie!

I love track suit bottoms as we call them - but only in black coz they hide my butt!

The 80s are back - hello leg warmers!

This was funny... Dig out some funny posts about Norway and send me the links! Hope to have you on board.. coz you make me laugh!
Cammie said…
the only thing worse then sweat pants is sweat pants with Ugg Boots
What A Card said…
Hee, heeeeee! Please, keep sharing the craziness that goes through your head. This was FUNNY!

Wait, I know something worse that butt eating sweatpants: butt eating sweatpants with JUICY emblazoned over it. Yuck, yuck, yuck, is it just me or is "JUICY" one of the worse diarrhea-iffic adjectives one could plaster on their booty???
Ash said…
Brilliant - "hungry butt!!!!"

I had a similar thought the other day as I was watching some spray cleaner commercial. Gone are the well-groomed '50s housewives in darling dresses and aprons. Moms are now represented in yoga pants and hoodies.

Guilty as charged.

I imagine by the time our kids come of power, the mom will just be standing there, naked.

"But I'm comfortable!"

Wait, maybe that will be a good thing, embracing the body. Dimples and all.
Leah said…
LOL. totally agree with NO sweatpants. Yucky...
Unknown said…
I have to admit, I love wearing my sweatshirts with jeans...(no hungry butt though....) & in the summer I would be perfectly happy wearing soccer shorts with running shoes... I am all about comfort... it is the butt thing that bugs me... Juicy... hee hee
hexe said…
I too am trying to lose the baby weight now that the baby will be FIVE in a couple months! Kepp me updated on your progress!

I also do not understand the JUICY pants. Not only the word choice, but why oh why, would anyone want letters posted across their butt. If you have a cute butt, it will get attention on its own - there is no need to make it a billboard.
Unknown said…
Yeah ...well, I'm trying to lose the baby weight as well ...and my *babies* turn 31 this year. I did say 30 in a previous post, but my daughter reminded me that they are already 30. :-)

I admit to owning swets...well, they were called track pants at the store where I bought them. Are trackpants and sweats the same??

However, they do not have 'JUICY', or any other saying, plastered across the bum. They aren't grey and they are not skin tight, so I don't get the 'Hungry Butt' effect.

They are nice and comfortable when I'm out on my morning walk.

Like the hungry butt saying, btw ...I'm not going to be able to get that out of my head now :-)
KimmyJ said…
LMAO over hungry butt!!! I love sweat pants, but only in the privacy of my home and they are not hungry butt pants, but nice velor with wide comfy waitband. I would never go out in them, not even on the front porch!
Jen Sue Wild said…
This is cracking me up!!

I think the only thing worse is white pants. any kinda white pants unless you don't have any cottage cheese on your butt you should not wear white on your bottom half.

I still don't understand why anyone wears work out clothes other to the Gym. I hate elastic wear.

and don't get me started with pajama pants in public.
Anonymous said…
sweatpants...are to be worn without underwear! actually...really...sweatpants shouldn't be worn outside of the house...unless you are going to work out...then...you don't wear underwear!! hungry butt! that's great!!
here from sits. you...have an AWESOME blog!!
Anonymous said…
Hi Tessa,
My name is Christina and I just read your whole blog at work over the last two days (It's been very slow here.) I live in New Hampshire but I'm from Maine. I found your blog because I am kind of a norwegiphile, and wish I at least looked norwegian or had a little bit of norwegian ancestry or even lived in a part of the country with norwegian-americans. New England is as unnorwegian as you can get, except that it is strangly a lot like norway in many ways - cold, mountainous, unfriendly reserved people. Always makes me wonder why they didn't all move here instead of the northern midwest. Other than trying to lose weight (joined WW yesterday, one DAY under my belt) and having being mated to a blonde blue eyed guy of uncertain ancestry (COULD be norwegian, who knows) for many years, we have little in common. No kids, but your little girl is incredibly beautiful. Sheesh she could be a TV star. Just wanted to leave a note, I'll be watching. And I wear sort of sweat pants, but only around the house. OK, maybe to the grocery store with a long T-shirt. Alswo, I have three cats from Norway. (long story). Blog on! I'm waiting.
Anonymous said…
I mean TRessa. Sorry about that.
Ha det bra!
KCLC said…
What goes along with "hungry butt" pants as being "just not right"?... Pants so loose in the butt it looks like you got a load in them. Oh...and showing your underwear. Its like "Oh wow! She is so slutty , er I mean sexy because she has a g-string/thong on".....So tell me Mrs. American In Norway, who in the media (alive or dead) dressing style do you admire?
Anonymous said…
Oh I think if you keep up with this train of thought your followers will GROW! Hungry butt! I love it!!!!

I'm a lazy dresser...I dress for comfort. And my clothes are OLD!!! I finally bought some new ones so I didn't look so sloppy. I still have to snag me a man you see.....so I have to TRY and look good at least! ;)
The housewife said…
You think you got it bad - it took me 3 days to convince my mother that I don't have a 'bun in the oven' just left over 'puppy fat' from last baby!

Jeans girl myself.....with a serious fetish for boots.
Hungry Butt! I'm glad you're bringing my terminology out on your blog. Love the random posts. They make me laugh. Miss you sista!
Rebecca Jo said…
OHHH - I completely agree.. its drives me insane when I see people in sweats!!! Seriously? That's all you have to put on? Even jeans with a ripped tshirt is better!!!!
Lizzie said…
OK... i LOVE my sweatpants! am i a bad person now? I have 1 pair, they're black and baggy. (no hungry butt aloud!) and I wear them with my fuzzy black Uggs. This my dear is my "I'm PMSing, stay the hell outta my way" outfit :)

I love your friggin blog!


No, sweatpants are NOT in down here. I am TOTALLY with you on that one. Actually at Target today I passed a sweatpant rack and it was next to the maternity section... but I have to say not even then would I venture there. Yoga pants are where I draw the line!
BABS said…
I am English and I call a butt an arse.

My arse eats everything, sweat pants are just the tip of the iceberg.

I think the reason why women go outside the house when their clothing is being eaten by their arses/butts is because they have reached a point in their lives when they have ceased to care what the person standing behind them thinks, or feels, LOL!

I have it on the greatest authority (a brother known for being an authority) that women who have ceased to care what others think of how they look (or if their pants/trousers are being eaten by their butts/arses) tend to be greater lovers because they are less...erm...bothered how they look.

Women who look good can often only 'look' good, and it doesn't necessarily mean they feel good.

Looking a mess doesn't always mean a person IS a mess, but I can quite understand why the sight of someones hungry butt would put you off, but maybe you need to try it and see if it is as bad as it looks.

Personally, I would never go out until my butt had finished eating, never did stonewashed the first time round and certainly aint going to go there now, but I do like to wear legwarmers.

But then again, anyone going out in public with their arse out is asking for trouble I think. I mean, what is it with showing off the arse anyway?
Anonymous said…
Seriously, first the kid goes out when there is no school thing, then legwarmers, now sweatpants - you CRACK me up!

I hate sweatpants and won't even let my kids own any (what a terrible other am I). My mil wears grey sweatpants and these icky icky sweatshirts all the time. Out in public. Even to Christmas dinner. I don't care about butts but it is seriously tacky I think. It is simply sloppy no mater how cute you are (and cute she is not).

The only time I ever got close to sweats in public was three years ago after foot surgery and nothing but those yoga-ish-running pants would fit over my big old cast. And I retired them to the pajama drawer as soon as the cast came off.

I'm no fashion plate by any means but I know my limits. And sweats in public it is.
Tara Bennett said…
LOL. What a great way to make millions - SPANX in Scandinavia! Love it.
Mary Ellen said…
I'm with you. Sweat pants are not for public areas. At home ONLY.

And hungry butt? Hysterical.
Skogkjerring said…
Well, freak might be a strong word...you are certainly colourful that is for sure!!! I would have laughed my ass off standing in line with you at the post office...I think I could have seen all of this dialog on your face!!!

I wear sweats to the gym and I feel funky enough when I do that but figure that is what they are for?? Have never owned grey, usually dark blue or black...something to downsize my butt...but now Kelli says a big butt is a sign of health, so I might just start announcing my health to the world...MAYBE.....
Kelli Nørgaard said…
go read my blog for today....
you and I are on the same page ! LOL It´s all about the BUTT!

and frankly, grey sweatpants are reserved for 7th grade gym class and prisoners.
Kelli Nørgaard said…
AND this is right up there with the woman that bends over and HUNGRY BUTT CRACK is flashing before our eyes...does she not feel the draft?!?!?!? gag
Vodka Mom said…
that was SO damn funny!!

Hungry butt??? Oh, I am SO using that now. My girls will LOVE it.
Gutsy Living said…
How is this possible? Here's another butt day. I blogged about my damn colonoscopy and my damn liquid diet, and then I find Kelli blogs about big butts. Must be that butt season again.
Anonymous said…
Living in Maine, in the lap of LL Bean (it's 20 minutes away from where I live - the Mother Ship so to speak) I lounge in LL Bean all the time...and even sweats. Hell, there's nothing else to do by the itme you've eaten yourself through winter. *lol* BUT...I wouldn't dare wear them outside of the house.
Jen said…
OMG That is hysterical. I am totally laughing my ass off. I do wear sweat pants but only on the days that I am not going out.
And LOVE Spanx!
Kelly said…
You are going to be getting some great freaks searching out your blog with this title!!! So funny!

So you may be without the sequins, etc...but I see your hand in some of Eva's outfits...so Tressa style still reigns supreme.

I love sweatpants...look anything with elastic at the top makes me happy...regular pants make me realize how much weight I need to lose!! But as you well know...I've always been fashion challenged!!
Anonymous said…
Hey Guys! Just wanted to say hello to the new community :). Thanks for letting me in! :D

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