Friday Fragments....

I have been meaning to join in on Friday Fragments for AGES now... I used to play along..  when I was actually blogging :-)  

Friday Fragments is hosted by Mrs. 444 over at Half past kissing time...

My life is so hectic at the moment... it seems like the only thing I have to share is fragments with y'all---

Hmmm. lets see... where shall I start?

Feeling a bit SAUCY today...

Amazing what a little red nail polish... new red trench coat and gorgeous sapphire & opal ring can do for a girls mood...  :-)
I LOVE this ring... my Uncle Mike sent it to my mother from Vietnam 
- while he was flying choppers during the war...
My mom gave it to me this summer... & it means the world to me...
Made me feel like I had a little more control during my meeting this afternoon.. is that weird?

***For the past year, I have been saying I should have landed my job - 10 years ago...
at 30 I would have been in my PRIME in this business....
I have come to my senses over the past few weeks -
after working with a particular PRIMA DONA.. D I V A..
 that.. everything happens for a reason.. timing.. etc...
10 years ago.. I would have believed the HYPE... 10 years ago... I would have bought the BS...

But now, not so much... I am at a point in my life where I can look at people so utterly full of themselves & tell them that they are full of it.. and KARMA is a bi-otch... 
Thank you lord.. and once again. I will remind myself that you have a plan...

***  Do not break the law in Norway... oooo nooooo.
We received a little love note in the mail--
We LOVE photo boxes here in Norway...
Hubby received get this...
a $250 (approx)  speeding ticket for going 5 miles over the speed limit.
to make matters worse...
damn photo box popped in my face too!... although I am pretty sure I was 5 miles UNDER the speed limit.
Can I get a ticket for that?

It is Friday & I need a glass or two of W I N E... can I get an AMEN
I don't normally drink at home... but after the week I have had.. I am allllll about a bottle of wine & an early night in bed.

***My son started soccer this week...
may not sound too odd... but for a kid to decide to start playing at the age of 12...
pretty amazing
he isn't an athelete... he KNOWS he isn't an athelete...
so for him to walk onto the field and suck it up... 
Well.. I am speechless... I don't think  KNOW  I wouldn't have had the nerve as a pre teen...
Both of my kiddos are amazing in the fact that they are their own people... they don't care what the other kids are doing. they are going to do what they want...

Speaking of my PRE TEEN...  he will be a teenage in a little over a month.
ME.. the MOTHER of a TEENAGER?  how is that possible?
and of course last week... (during my crap-tastic week) I found out I have to go to Stockholm on business on Dane's Birthday  :-(    I have NEVER missed my childs B-day.. & of course it would be the big 13.

Dane is cool with it... we decided to celebrate a few days early & are going to do a mom  & son trip to London... :-)  So excited...  he has never been & it will be his weekend to do whatever he wants...

Speaking of travel.. hubby just got home from Milan.. home for a few days & is off to Bejing..
I am not envious.. but it would be nice to be able to travel TOGETHER for a change...

OK... hope y'all have a FANTASTIC evening... off to enjoy a bottle of Italian vino with my hubs...


Tami said…
Your ring is gorgeous. What a nice gift for you Mom to pass to you.
Bill Lisleman said…
First time browsing over to your blog. Thanks for the visit to A Few Clowns Short. I've never made it Norway. I guess the closest was northern Germany. Enjoyed your fragments. Appears your family spends a good deal of time flying around. Finding that right balance of travel is not easy. "would have believed the HYPE... 10 years ago... I would have bought the BS." - Yes I know that feeling. Why do jerks get promoted in the first place? BTW - the title of my blog comes from a work experience.
Wayne W Smith said…
I hate photo radar...such a cash cow that does not really help safety.
Anonymous said…
Be alltid om å få se bildet etter å ha blitt tatt i fotoboks. Det hender nemlig at de måler fra feil sted. På bildet skal man se at bilen er på en "linje" i veien hvor målingen blir tatt fra.

Hvis bilen har blitt knipset før linjen, så er målingen ikke godkjent.
Unknown said…
TUSEN TAKK! Skal gjøre dette! :-)
Keetha Broyles said…
You're an American living in Norway, and I'm an American living in a very Norwegian part of Wisconsin!!!

Love your nails - - - do they have the merest hint of gold on the tips?
Anonymous said…
Hei igjen. Det er mulig jeg tok litt feil. Etter nærmere undersøkelse viser det seg at linjene skal være synlige på bildet, for bildene blir nok tatt på riktig sted.

Jeg har sjekket litt rundt og det viser seg blant annet hvis veien er dekket med snø, så skal man egentlig ikke bli tatt i fotoboks.

Nå er det ikke snø der du bor nå vil jeg tro, men det kan jo hende at linjen er usynlig på andre måter :)
Unknown said…
How about $750 for 10mph over the limit? That was me last fall up near Hafjell. :( Talk about a sucker punch. I think they should have warned me about the cost of speeding tickets when I took my driving classes here. Seriously.
Kelli Nørgaard said…
If his becoming a teenager makes you feel old, just always remember there is a Texas GRANNY in DK that is OLDER than you! :-)
I absolutely love the ring. It's like a little treasure on your finger. 5 miles over the speed limit, no leeway there, huh?
Mrs4444 said…
I would be in BIG trouble in Norway.

Keetha cracked me up. I could say the same thing, only I think there are more Germans and Poles in my neck of the Wisconsin woods.

It makes me smile to think of you going through these stages with your boys. I remember when my Kyle (non-athlete) announced in 7th grade that he was joining the football team. Football being a sport he'd never played in his life. Needless to say, it was a bit of a disaster, but he sure walked tall in that jersey at school. Fortunately, he found his niche, eventually, in swimming :)

It's great to "see" you again! Thanks for linking up. Have a great week!

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