My 10k today....

As y'all know, I'm not one to BRAG.. about myself... BUTTTT....
(here I go)

A month ago.. I made a pact with another lady on the other side of Norway.. to get into shape..
the right way... - I hate doing things the right way...
I like doing them MY way... - & yes, we can all see how well THAT has been working for me. ahem.

I am the QUEEN of dropping 15-20 lbs a month.. right before a big trip.. or party.. or whatever..
Only to gain 16-21 after the said event..

After a very inspirational meeting with the head of ORIFLAME's European WELLNESS department.
We decided to get fit.. the right way..

I will make a long story short(er)
I have been doing the Wellness program.. eating healthy.. exercising.
& it is working...
I USED to think doing 3 km was a work out..
I was proud of myself for getting off of the couch.. (first step)

But today.. I managed my SECOND 10KM this WEEK..
Yea me!. 
I am jogging/powerwalking

the past 7 days I have done..
Wed, 7 km
Thurs, 8 km
Fri. 10 km
Sat/Sun - NADA
Mon. 8.5 km
Tues. 6 km
Wed. 10 km.

The weather was WONDERFUL.. I had home office..
so I decided to get out there AGAIN...
this time.. snapping a few pictures.. just to keep it interesting. (I am easily bored)
Enjoy.. I really DO. live in a lovely place...
Starting on the hills behind my house... see the ocean & little islands on the horizon? :-)
bout the 5 km mark...
Over the river & through the woods...

Oh.. and by the way.. lost 10 lbs this month.. WOOO HOOO...

small business home business


Anonymous said…
Yay! Love the pics and congrats on the 10lbs! I need to get moving!
How great for you that you are doing it the right way (which involves exercise, which I hate)
I am proud of your weight loss!
It helps to have close friends or motivation, for sure.
It is a gorgeous place where you are. Makes the walking/running easier.
staying healthy said…
wow nice place i wish i can go to this place
importance of good health
Kelli Nørgaard said…
You rock!!!
I am so proud of you....
Now I just need to take your inspiration and do something myself!!
Sara Louise said…
Wow! I am totally impressed. I haven't jogged since I've moved yet, I need to get out there and find my new route :)
Lynn Proctor said…
i am always impressed by runners--congrats!!
Life's travails said…
Well done gorgeous - pics are lovely! xx
Susan Kane said…
Yes, you do live in a gorgeous place! Congrats on the run and the weight loss!
Dr. Wishmael said…
Fun blog! I love it. As a former Norwegian I appreciate the pics of "the old country." ESPECIALLY your "Over the river & through the woods" pic.

Good LUCK with your wellness program/lifestyle!

Best wishes,
Dr. Wishmael
Sarah From France said…
Awesome for you! I'm a new reader by the way! Just found your blog and I love it! your story is fascinating and you have a beautiful family!

My husband is an American and I'm French... We're considering moving back to France but he doesn't know the language at all... Was it hard for you to adapt and learn norwegian upon moving there?
quirky addict said…
pls email me jeg er amerkaner som er intresseret i at flytt til norige. Gider du lige snd mig et besked så vi kan muligvist snak lidet om hvordan det var for dig at flytte til norway etc. vicky@addgoDOTcom
Stephanie said…
Way to go! You really do live in a beautiful place.
LeeLee said…
Woo, so awesome congrats! Lovely pictures, too.
TheFrenchWife said…
I have discovered your blog a couple of weeks ago and I LOVE IT!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE update it more often!!! Love reading it!
Anonymous said…
so great article nice one more power
weight loss diets

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