VEGAS baby!

OK OK... so I am about 6 weeks late posting this... what can I say?  I am a BUSY girl... :-) 

In the past weeks since PROMISING to post about my fantastic time in Vegas.. I have been to a 40th birthday bash- girls weekend at the lake, Vietnamese/German Wedding in Indianapolis... a birthday party for my darling daughter..a trip back to Norway... a trip to Stockholm.. a Norwegian Wedding in Croatia... not to mention all of the traveling around Norway with work...

Makes a girl tired you know? - & lets not forget the 2 kids, first day of school & a husband I bump into from time to time..  :-) 

So.... while in the USA.. my baby sister had a business trip to Vegas... she was going to stay at  a fantastic hotel... & invited me to come & stay with her...   :-)  

With all of the places in the world I have traveled... I have NEVER.MADE.IT. to VEGAS..... 
 shocking no?

As if Vegas weren't enough..  I have a dear friend living there... we haven't seen each in 16 years...
& another childhood friend from Texas was going to be at the same convention as my sister.

So now for the pics... :-)
We stayed at the COSMOPOLITIAN in Las Vegas... FANTASTIC.
“just the right amount of wrong.”  

My baby sis  ... (love this girl)
Did a bit of this....

and a bit of this...

Caught up with LONG LOST FRIENDS...
ONLY  4 years since we last met...

16 years... LOL

I spent 3 fantastic days... laying by the pool & sipping cocktails, catching up with old friends.. spending quality time with my little sis & taking in the sights....

Kindda a rough life.. :-)


Sally said…
Great photos and it sounds like you had a wonderful time. I bet you can't wait to do it again!
Lynn Proctor said…
glad somebody has been having lots of fun haha!!!

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