Dr's A-OK .... 365-86

march 27

After Dane was attacked..
I was pretty sure that our Easter vacation was RUINED..
thanks a lot - you big jerk. bully..

but after a weekend of being in the dumps..
I decided to just screw it.
if the Dr. thought it OK.. we would load the kids in the car & head somewhere

Dr. said Dane'sleg was healing nicely... & we should enjoy the Easter holiday.. :-)

NO - ONE- can throw together a last min. road trip like me :-)

We threw the kiddos in the car...
and decided to head to PRAGUE
for a much needed break.

yes.. one of the totally cool things about living in Europe..
being able to hop in the car & just go to Prague.. or Paris... or... 
heading through Sweden as the sunsets...


Anonymous said…
Way to persevere.
Joyce said…
Good for you!
Sally said…
So glad everything is healing nicely and you decided to go ahead and enjoy yourselves!
H. Bratset said…
Awesome! I look forward to enjoying that perk when we move over there. You totally did the right thing by not letting it get you, but it's got to be tough. Dane is adorable, by the way. Hope things are better at school.

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