I'm alive!!

Sorry to worry y'all!
Life is good- very good.
I am keeping myself busy with HAPPY, healthy kids & hubby.
 Dane's leg being broken last spring was actually a BLESSING - yes, I said that.  BLESSING !  Made hubs & I get off of our  butts & move our children to a better environment.
Dane is thriving.. as is the rest of the family.  We were so thrilled with the new school, that we moved baby girl as well.

As if I didn't have enough to do keeping up with the kiddos, I accepted a new position with Oriflame & am responsible for the Norwegian sales team.

I have been traveling all over Norway & have probably been in your area. Lol

I will be going to Northern Norway in the middle of Nov.  so if you have any suggestions of things to do in Tromsø or Narvik, please let me know.

I am unable to post from my laptop - if there is something I missed (update to blogger) let me know... Until then, I will have to try to post from my phone.

Hope you are well, & look forward to hearing from y'all! 

Proof of life... Lol


Travel Bugs said…
Great to see you alive and kicking :-P
Great to hear that all is going well!
When you are in Northern Norway don't forget to stay up late and feel the magic of the Aurora Borealis, the Northern light. It will never escape your mind.

Glad to hear things are well with you! I have no suggestions for Northern Norway....however, if you're ever in Northern Minnesota--I'm your girl! ha! :)

Elisabeth said…
Sounds fantastic! Glad you are doing well-- in a similar situation! Away for a while...but back now.

Sara Louise said…
It's wonderful to see your smiling face again! :)
Corinne said…
You're back!

I would click on a link in Blogger to your site and it would show as the post being unavailable. So I wondered if it was a blogger glitch or a post being removed. Anyway, good to hear everything is going well!
Robbi said…
That's a beautiful picture of you, Tressa. I am so glad you and your family are all doing well. I agree with Elisabeth, try to see the Northern lights.

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