Time to catch up..

Back & better than ever.  No really...  It has been a fantastic, although not always easy "growing" year for me.
I think back to this blog often., the friends I met through it.. The memories with my kids.. 

This week I received a message on FB.. Asking if I would be interested in collaborating on a project.  I'd be lying if I said I wasn't flattered.
I don't think it this point in time, I'm ready to start a new project, but it is also the push that I needed to get back into my own blog.
So my personal goal for the summer is to catch up on the past year. Everything I've been doing, and all the adventures I've had with the children.

So if any of my followers are are still out there I would appreciate your feedback and your comments to help keep me motivated I look forward to reconnecting with all of you again.


Bethany said…
Kjempe fint å høre fra deg! I was wondering when you'd return to writing :-)
Susanne said…
Please, start blogging again, I always enjoyed reading about your life in Norway!
Sally said…
Good to see you again.

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