A "shitty" good week...

This week has been a bit "shitty" literally.
I've been experiencing another part of being single.. The not so fun part of being on your own, for the first time in my adult life.. 
But perhaps this is another, less exciting thing to mark off of my bucketlist..
Becoming an Independent home owner.

The problem started weeks ago with a "bubbling" in my pipes everytime we'd flush the toilet.... 

I went next door to my renters- who had lived in the neighbor house for years, asking if they had noticed anything?

"Yes,yes.. But not to worry, the bubbling would go over.."

I'm kind of a positive person.. And like to believe that everything would just work out.. He he.. Not so much.

My first shower after returning from a business trip, my bathroom flooded.. ... 
I tried to investigate.. Checked the drain & concluded it must have been because I was using the washer at the same time. (Shrug).

When my daughter used the shower the next night (with nothing else running) & It flooded again. I knew I was in trouble. 
Nobody got time for this shit.

8pm with no one to call - I had to call the ex.. Crying.. Begging him to tell me what to do.  

He reluctantly agreed to come over & tell me what to do.. But would NOT fix it..  "Thanks"

As he led me to the cold dark cellar.. He instructed me to go back into an even darker, smaller room & with a twinkle in his eye, told me.. "unscrew that cap"..  Oh Ya.. He knew what was coming..  Paybacks are hell.

With my hands and arms covered in plastic bags, I carefully unscrewed the cap & released what will from now on be called "Poopapolooza".  
An explosion- like nothing you've seen before..  
Between gagging and tears, I asked "what do I do now?"   "Clean it up" he said laughing... With tears running down his face..

I cleaned up the mess.. (Gag,gag,gag ) and realized, I was going to need some professional help.

Called the next morning & the problem was fixed by 8 am.. 
A horrible lesson learned.. But it was a lesson learned & next time, I know exactly what to do.. 
Call for help immediately & DON'T UNSCREW the cap. 

On Friday I took baby girl to IKEA & decided to bite the bullet & buy everything my little house was still missing.. "I'll take that &that&that"  (so nice to be able to pick out whatever your little heart desires.. Until you realize, that SOMEONE is going to have to put all of that furniture together.. 
I've never put anything together.. Shit.. 

I posted on FB that this probably was not going to go very well.. & immediately had offers of help. (Thank you!) 
But Eva & I decided we were independent girls & could do this ourselves..  Yepp.. After countless hours.. And a couple of arguments.. We managed to do it!! 
Yea us!!  My 10 year old has learned a lot watching her dad & was a huge help.  But I think the most important thing we both learned, is that we CAN do it ourselves.. It may not be easy..but the peace of mind that we are ABEL..to do anything we put our minds to is so worth it..   Fantastic job daughter of mine. 


Betsy said…
So sorry about your poop storm. Ugh! :(

I like the stuff you bought from Ikea. The last time I bought from Ikea, I handed it off to my two teen boys and went to enjoy a nice cup of tea. They had learned enough watching my husband and they seem infinitely more able to understand those crazy instructions. :)
Sally said…
Plumbing nightmare, glad it's sorted now. I can't follow instructions to save my life. Well done - girl power!
Jaymo NotinOslo said…
Good for you and Eva, you CAN do it, and that's a great lesson to learn. Might I also humbly suggest another lesson to learn is that your Ex may not exactly "help" you when he's "helping" you. And the other one, from my heart, is plumbing almost always sucks and is best left to the pro if at all possible...and this from a guy who has done plenty of it and worked in the plumbing industry for years!
546875687sdf said…

I haven't been on your blog for so long I took a break from the blogging scene but Im SO glad I managed to find yours again! What an absolute nightmare day - At least its literally the shittest day you should have for a while surely so the only way is up and better from here! IKEA furniture and I have a love hate relationship, I struggle through and assemble it feeling oh so proud then get to one of the final pieces and oh they've screwed the hole in the wrong way and I need to take the WHOLE thing back and you will replace it you say ikea... The rage cannot be put into words I tell you.You and Eva did well!
Robbi said…
You should be so proud of yourself - you are amazing for getting through these events. I'm so sorry that the ex did that - what a jerk! I was happy to hear that you and Eva got the IKEA stuff together.

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