I'm baaaaaack

It has been a while..  a crazy couple of years.. 
A couple of years for all of us to process the changes in our lives.. 
How to move on, how to start over.. 

The starting over.  

Dating again in my 40's yikes.. 
with all of my history thrown out on the internet to see.    Family pictures, daily adventures.. 
I suddenly didn't want my life out there for the world to see.

Was a time for privacy for sure.... 

I made my blog private..  & then left it.. 

Sad really, when once I really enjoyed posting memories for my children and our life "abroad"

Not really so abroad anymore.. - As Norway has really become home & I have even gotten my Norwegian citizenship Whaaaaaat? 
Yes, the procrastinator got off her tail and took care of herself.. 

Looking at the old header.. Another reason I stopped blogging..
I had to figure out who I was -- After 17 years of being a wife , and changing our little family.. 
So goodbye American in Norway 
"partying on the poopdeck"

Now for a new header.. a new title and a new chapter... 


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