I feel like Stuart Smalley

It has been a LOOONG 5 weeks...
F I V E weeks of interviewing... five weeks of different people flying in to meet MOI.
FIVE...weeks of  "i'mjustgonnadieifdon'tcallmeTODAY"
Five weeks of thinking of Stuart Smalley -
 I'm good enough ,I am smart enough & gosh darn it... people (hopefully the RIGHT people) like me..  trying to keep positive.

I landed a freaken' awesome job..  woo hoo.

This is a DREAM job for me.. & not just the foreign me.. 
(I need to do post about trying to get a job as a foreigner.. NOT EASY)

Oh how I wish I could tell y'all all about  it.  
But now I am a bit nervous about what everyone can pull up about me.

With every interview - I googled the person who would be interviewing me... & I wonder if they did the same for me?  Makes me a little nervous about everything out there. eek.

I don't start for 5 more weeks... (going to be the LONGEST weeks e v e r ... 'cause I am OVER the job I just quit.  But I am am a good girl & will do the right thing & stick it out.. ugh.)

I was invited to Oslo today for a press junket...  (so cool).
There were a load of top Norwegian bloggers there... 
 As they came over & introduced themselves to me.. I had to refrain from saying.. 
"Hi! I'm American in Norway. ;-)" - like they would care anyway... 

So I will start my new job 1st of May .. I will be doing a lot of traveling.  (Woo-Hoo)
 Employers always act like that is a BAD thing.. they don't know me.

So hopefully I will be able to start snapping photos again..
 of all of the different places in Norway I will be visiting.

So this is one of the reasons I have not been blogging.. 
My stress level has been sky high for the past few months... 

Trying to get back into the swing of things..  thanks for hanging in there with me y'all! 


Donna said…
Congratulations! Can't wait to hear more about it. You're right - a post about employment in foreign lands would be good. I'm still unemployed after 7 months in the middle east...
Congrats! Good luck on the job!
Robbi said…
Congratulations Tressa! I'm so happy for you, and I look forward to seeing more photography.
Tezzie said…
Yippee! Congratulations :D Great news on the job...hope the wait goes by quickly (looking forward to seeing some fab photos from all over Norway). Have a great spring!
Congrats! Finding and landing that dream job, especially abroad - is always a great big YAY!!!
sues2u2 said…
Outstanding! Sounds like it has been quite the "party". Can't wait to hear more details & see the photos from all of this upcoming travel. Congrats!!
Skogkjerring said…
Congratulations on the dream job, can't wait to hear what it is! How does Bjørn feel about you travelling so much? I can imagine it's not as easy to travel so much when you have young children and hardly any family around if you don't have a very supportive spouse, but I get the impression Bjørn is supportive, so I'm really happy for you!
Sandy said…
How exciting for you! Congratulations!! Wishing you the best with your new job and looking forward to seeing your pictures. :)
Jaymo said…
All right! Can't wait for more on the new job and new travel spots, etc. I've been here in Oslo for seven months or so and could SO use some advice on getting a job. My lack of Norwegian language skills seems to be the big thing no matter what else they might want.
Lisa said…
Looking forward to the spill about the new job. And I am sure many of us can relate to your difficulties getting a job as a foreigner. Not so easy!
Kelly said…
You're killing me! I want to know all about your new job!!
Anonymous said…
CONGRATS!!!! So excited for you and your great news! I can't wait to read all about it as you go on your journeys with your DREAM JOB!

And you should totally do a post about getting a job as a foreigner...I'm going to need them come July :-)
Can't wait to hear about the new job and to see those new travel photos! Good Luck!
rach said…
Congrats on landing your dream job!!! Thats so great! And yes, I have now discovered how hard it is for foreigners to land a job- hence why I am still working my craptastic hand me down job.
Andrea said…
Congratulations! I haven't been over here in pretty much forever, so I've got tons to catch up on! But glad you are back and a new job that makes you all gooey inside with happiness...that's just the best. You deserve it :)

Andrea @ www.thebloggingmama.com
Lisa Kjellerød said…
Congratulations on your new job! I can only imagine how difficult it is to find a job here! I have not even started to search yet, still language learnin'!
Congratulations you GO GIRL!!!!Can't wait to hear all about it xxx
Jill said…
Congrats congrats friend! It's been way too long since we've chatted! Hope all is great with you! Hooray!
wrecklessgirl said…
congratulations! i'm an american in oslo/norway, and so inspired by your blog! :) xoxo
Laural Out Loud said…
Oooo, so mysterious! I'm so happy for you. The interviewing process can be so daunting, but worth it when you land the job!
La.. said…
Congratulations for your new job !
Hope the best.
Hugs from Ibiza

marcela said…
It's nice to see you're back! You should really write a post about how hard it is to get a job in Norway:)

I've been wondering a lot lately if I should go back to this cold land (I was an exchange student there for one year) and then the main point is: would I get a job??? hahaha

Hilsen fra Brasil
Anonymous said…
Congratulations! Sounds like the perfect job for you.

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