Coming to a town near you....

Coming to a town near you.. 
 Okay.... probably not.  But it sure seems that way.  

Don't get me wrong.. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the new job-

I get to be creative, think out of the box... work (somewhat) on my own schedual.

And do a lot of traveling around Norway.   (I will try to be better about taking pictures)

Can't believe I have only been working there  for a month.
time flies when you are having fun.

I went to  Trondheim.for a week..
LOVE this city...  Perfect size between Oslo & Fredriksatd.
I took some photos, which I will try to post this week
Been to Gjøvik.... 2 x's -

Off to Lillihammer tomorrow...


Stockholm first week in June

USA third week of June
Kansas City-Roanoke VA.
(not job related)

Then it is a week in Rhodes Greece...
 (tough job... but someone has to do it.)
home for 2 days then 
MADRID.  woo hoo...

Much to my delight... Bjørn and the kids have been doing really well with the change.
I am traveling alot.. but also have home office much more often - so it balances.

Anyone who knows me, knows this is a PERFECT job for me.. 
Make up & Travel.  

I Love working in Oslo. There is always something going on.
Queens Guards marching down Karl Johan  (no idea why)
 but it was pretty cool to see on my way home from work.

Few shots from my new office.


Hope everyone has a fantastic week. :-)


Unknown said…
Let me know if you have time to meet for a coffee in Lillehammer sometime! Would be fun to meet in person!
Unknown said…
It definitely does sound like you lucked out! Makeup and travel are rad components for a job!
Ed said…
The parade was for the Grand Duke and Duchess of Luxembourg on a state visit. Great blog. Keep up the good work :)
Kelli Nørgaard said…
I don't think it is very fair that you get to do all this fun stuff...and GET PAID FOR IT!! :-)

You totally deserve it! Enjoy every second!
Lisa said…
Your office looks awesome!
Let me know if you make it all the way to Hamar :D
Anonymous said…
I love reading your blog, and I've seen your episode on HGTV. I see you are traveling to all places Roanoke, VA! (I'm born & raised here.) Are you ready for culture shock?! :) -Michelle Smith
Anonymous said…
your job is pretty much my dream job :-) i hope it takes you to BERGEN! :-) and you will have to give me the run-down on all products at some point so i can start using them! :-) hope you enjoyed the weekend!
Laural Out Loud said…
My ideal job would be travel and... cake! Any jobs like that out there? Lol. So happy for you :-)
marcela said…
I loved your office, så koselig! Your job is my dream job, for sure hahaha
Debie Napoleon said…
Wow! Just wow! I am floored with envy! Beautiful office, work at home and good travel. Yes, a lovely job.
Anonymous said…
sounds quite boring really. Wouldn't you rather do something less vacuous?
Mary said…
Nice office! How awful that you have to go all of those places! *wink*
trininista said…
That's your office? wow...stunning. I would be happy to go to work there everyday!

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