Hurra for 17th of May!

What a LONG wonderful day!.. 
One of the best 17th of May's ever...
We hopped from one thing to another... from 7:45 this am until 6 pm this evening..
& my butt. is DRAGGING....

As most of y'all know what 17th of May is... I will spare you the information & hop straight to the pictures! :-)

17th of May is always a time of reflection for me...
Amazing to see how big the kiddos & their friends have become.

We had a really fabulous time... 3 parades.. brunch at my in laws..
& then a school party to end the day!


MommyLisa said…
Yeah! Love Syttende Mai!
Enjoy and have a wonderful celebration!
marcela said…
ohh I wish I were there! Hurra for 17. Mai!!!
Frizzy said…
You look wonderful! Looks like such a blast!

Sorry I've been away for awhile.
Jaymo said…
Your kids look gorgeous! This was my first one here, and I think I loved the kids' costumes best of everything. Thanks for sharing!
Anonymous said…
looks like such a great time! the kids look beautiful and like they have a fun day!!! i cant wait to spend 17.mai there next year :-) im already looking forward to it!
Laural Out Loud said…
Very cool! And don't you look all snazzy in that last picture! That's one for a frame for sure.
Leah said…
Gratulerer med dagen!

It's my favorite holiday in Norway--so festive and beautiful and unique--I've been urging my husband to take our boys home for 17 Mai one of these years...
Oh grattis på 17 e maj .
Maybe you would like my blog about student life in sweden?
Have you been in sweden? Why did you choes norway? I hope you have a splendid time!
rockbrarbe said…
searching for info about Norway...

only I wanna say Hello from Aragón
Truth Teller said…
"Y'all" look like Nazis!!
Unknown said…
Nazis? Mmmm okay.
Anonymous said…

You probably get this a lot but we (my Norwegian hubby, baby, and me) are likely moving to Norway next summer and I would love to ask you some questions! We have been following your blog and enjoy reading it!

If it's ok, can I send you an email?



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