Beautiful, Fantastic VENICE..

Sigh... I am still having a hard time getting back in to "REAL LIFE"
Venice was perfect in every way... 
Spending much needed time with one of my BEST FRIENDS from the US...
I think I am still glowing..
feeling blessed..
Please bare with the picture filled posts to come...

 Looked all over for these "Rice Balls" deep fried & filled with cheese.  -
doesn't matter that I was walking over 10 km a day.. with all of the food and drink..
I may have broke even.
I have no idea who this lady is... but the abslolute JOY on her face was priceless...
I am a big PEOPLE watcher...
I love seeing the joy.. and guessing their story..
I also see the people who are not so happy..
(It is never too late to change your story..)
I love seeing the happy couples taking the trip of a lifetime..
but also see the couples who sit across from each other with nothing to say...
I have been on both sides of the table..
I choose to sit on the joyful side now..
making a consious decision to surround myself with people who make me happy
and are a positive influence on me and my life...
Sometimes, I wish I had made major changes in my life sooner..
but I take comfort in knowing that timing is everything..
and things happen for a reason..
Happy.. joyful.. starting over..


Sally said…
It looks lovely and great pictures of everyday people. Enjoy yourself.
Jaymo NotinOslo said…
Great post as always, Tressa! And your photos, as always, are beautiful and sensitive :)
Mary said…
You got some GREAT pictures! :)
Robbi said…
Those are great pictures - I am happy you are back blogging. This post is beautiful and so heartfelt, with the pictures and your writing. Thank you for sharing, and being so candid. <3 Klem <3

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