I don't think I have EVER posted about a sale... but this was such a great deal.. I got a little excited...
I decided to get on line to try to buy some summer clothes so I would be ready for my vacation when I get to the states.... (in less than a MONTH..woo hoo!)
Found out Cold Water Creek has a
50% off on E V E R Y T H I N G until Sunday
I only wish they had clothes for the entire family...
Sigh... I have forgotten how much I love to shop...
Now I am a little crazy looking for Memorial Day deals...
Anyone?... point me in the right direction people.. (thanks! :-)


Gap I think has 25% off! Maybe OldNavy too! Last time before USA trip I shopped online cause I didn't want to miss out on certain things and when I got there shopped some more...I can't wait to return to the land of bargins!!
tulpen said…
Ack! I love Coldwater Creek! I don't actually *need* anything, but I think I'll have a look anyway.

Happy Weekend!
Coldwater Creek is the best!

I also love Lands End. I get e-mails from them all the time for free shipping (I don't know if that works for you in Norge!) and decent % off stuff. I also feel that their clothes are a "true fit" (so if I buy a size XL, it fits like an XL, not a M or a 3XL). Check out their "not quite perfect" and "overstock" area, too! Hope you're well!
Frizzy said…
Enjoy your shopping! I love CC too!
Frizzy said…
When will you be in KC?

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