MIA but with pictures...

I KNOW y'all must be getting tired of my going MIA & then begging for your forgiveness...
You probably think I am just sitting around on my big patootie ignoring y'all---- really I have been MISSING you... promise.

But really I have been up to a LOT while I have been away from you...

We have had concerts... Eva had a solo in front of almost 200 people... WOO HOO... &
may I say she ROCKED it!

Been spending time with my precious babies....

Been BUILDING... Tree houses

And Garages....

We celebrated Norway's Constitution Day or "grunnlovsdag," commonly known as "Syttende Mai" or the 17th of May

My daddy was put in the hospital & ended up getting a pace maker...
Oh how I wish I could have been home... My sister being the smartie that she is, brought her laptop to the hospital so I could talk to my dad before he went into surgery....
What did we do before SKYPE?

My beautiful "baby" boy turned 11... (our traditional pancake breakfast before school....) - first year he has chosen Norwegian pancakes over AMERICAN... ???? whats THAT about?

We had a birthday party for his friends... & another today for the family....
Today finally felt like SUMMER.... there is nothing in the world like a perfect Norwegian summer...

So now you know I wasn't just blowing y'all off! : -)

Beautiful double Rainbow ending in our backyard today....


Beth Dunn said…
Beautiful children!
I said this on facebook... but love those pictures and it looks like you've been super busy! So you are excused :)
You have been busy and missed. Glad your Dad is doing well. Pictures are amazing as always.
Scary Mommy said…
That rainbow is AMAZING!! And, your children are gorgeous, as always!!
Joanna Jenkins said…
A solo, a treehouse, a garage, AND a pacemaker!!! Sheesh, you have plenty of good reasons not to be around much. And so you know, that double rainbow made my day.

Hang in there and hope your daddy is on the mend.
paige said…
These photos are GORGEOUS. Absolutely wonderful! What precious kids. :)
tulpen said…
Holy crap those are some gorgeous children.

And killing me with the rainbow shot!

I wanna visit!!
Anonymous said…
Your kids are beautiful - Dane is growing up a very handsome young man - he'll be winking at the girls soon :) and little Eva - so sweet - do you have a video we can see of her singing solo?

Life does look busy - but special. Enjoy it all.

Thanks for sharing it.
Brenda (from Guelph)
Expat Women said…

Regina here, for ExpatWomen.com.

I would like to personally invite you to list your blog on our Expat Women Blog Directory (www.expatwomen.com/expatblog/) so that other women can read about and learn from your expat experiences.

Many thanks in advance for your contribution and keep up your great blog!

MommyLisa said…
I miss Norway! :( Love the pictures...you HAVE been busy.
cat said…
Oh my, your kids are beautiful.

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