Going H O M E.... 15 min of fame...

Will be getting on the bus to the airport tomorrow morning... 3 :30 am to be exact...
Starting the 18 hour trip HOME... to celebrate my daddy's 70th birthday.

70...WOW. It doesn't seem possible... when I think of my dad I still see him as his 50 year old self... is that weird?

After the health scares /pace maker we had this year... we appreciate how blessed we are to be able to come to celebrate his 70th.

We will all be gathering 4 children, 4 children in law, my mother- his wife of 48 years.. 8 grandchildren... uncles, aunts, cousins.... to show pops how much we love him...

I will try to post while I am away, but we all know how lame I have been as of late...

In another news... my on again, off again blogging has paid of in 15 min of fame... : -)

Bjørn & I were contacted to do an episode for American TV about moving from the US to Norway... HOW COOL IS THAT? We will be filming in Kansas City & then do the rest when we get back to Norway....
I will keep you posted as to when it will be airing in the U.S. -side note... please remember the camera adds 45 lbs..ummm OK....

Muah... next time I will be posting from the good ol' U S of A. WOOO HOOOO.
Kimberling Oaks resort, Kimberling City MO mold mildew rude horrible management


Sandy said…
Safe travel to you and your family.

Enjoy your trip back home!

OO... how exciting and we can say we knew her when. :)
Have an awesome trip!!!
Cant wait to see your tv show!
Enjoy your trip home!

And exciting about the TV show! Can't wait to hear more about it. : )
tulpen said…
Have a safe trip and lovely visit with Dear Old Dad.
Exciting, all of it. Have a great trip!
oh! Have so much fun! I'm so happy for you!
Dumbwit Tellher said…
Safe travels home and happy 70th to your dear dad. Great celebration to come home. Congrat's on the show, I would love to watch.

Enjoy the heat ( :
Robbi said…
God reiser! Congratulations and Happy 70th to your Dad. Health really is everything.

Congratulations on your TV show. I can't wait to hear more about it.
You go girl! Soooo exciting!!!
Robbi said…
I just remembered an idea you or others may find useful.

We had a get-together like that for my farfar. At the time we took a series of photos that we never thought much of. Then when my farfar passed away 15 years later, those photos meant so much to all of us in the extended family.

They weren't fancy photos or anything, but the series was: a good picture of morfar with mormor; then a good picture of morfar and mormor with their children; then a photo of morfar and mormor with each child, the spouse, and their own children (grandchildren to morfar and mormor). This way, we had good closeups, and each photo was a bit more intimate than just one shot of everyone.

These photos have also been used at wedding receptions of the grandchildren, to honor morfar and mormor.

We did take one photo of everyone included, but it was just too hard to see anyone closely.

God reiser!
Frizzy said…
How exciting is that?! Will be praying for traveling mercies. I bet you're on the plane as I type.
cat said…
Enjoy your time home.
Kelli Nørgaard said…
The TV show is cool....but even more cool is that ALL of you are gathering for his birthday! What a special time for all your kids to be with cousins and aunts and uncles! Priceless moments!
MommyLisa said…
Okay - that is CRAZY. My friend Nettie who lives in Stavanger is here now too! She and her mom bought a house in MN so they can come every summer. She is a teacher.
Anonymous said…
Wow! What a stroke of luck! Have fun with your fifteen minutes of fame :-) And enjoy your trip home. You don't know how much you miss it until you come to visit. Enjoy your dads special day. You are blessed to be together!
Hope...... no; I'm sure you have a great time!

Good luck with the TV show too - looking forward to hear more about it when we meet at OsloBG :-)
Anonymous said…
Ooooh... I wanna autograph!

Don't forget about the little people
paige said…
Congrats about the show!

I feel that way about my parents, too. They are in their sixties and they'll always be forty to me. :)
magicdarts said…
You have yourself a brilliant time!- at least I can say I knew you before you became famous (you little tv star in the making)!!
Anonymous said…
how awesome is that! how was the trip?
BenLand said…
that's so cool!!!

can't wait to see it!
Have a wonderful trip and a happy Fourth!
Inaie said…
Enjoy your time away. and don't forget to blog.

Dita said…
I hope you are having the time of your lives! Keep us posted on the show...I'd love to see you in the "flesh"...no matter how much flesh there is (I feel your pain!)


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