Benefits of blogging..a really bad review..

One of the benefits of writing a blog .. is having a forum for my thoughts/views/opinions... on things...good or BAD. kimberling oaks horrible management s

As y'all know... I do a pretty fair amount of traveling...

I should be better about posting reviews here... There have been many places in the past year which have been AWESOME...
I have NEVER E V E R felt so compelled to post a BAD review... a really HORRIBLE review..
But here it goes... Kimberling Oaks resort mold mildew horrible management offensive

As I mentioned in my previous post.. we had a HORRIBLE stay at Kimberling Oaks resort in Kimberling City,MO.. on Table Rock Lake.

I have never in all of my years of travelling, encountered people like the owners of this resort...
What started out as a misunderstanding which would have been rectified by a simple apology from the owner.. ended up making this one of my worst stays anywhere EVER...
I will attempt to make a very LONG story shorter...

15 min. after arriving to the "resort" Dane & his cousin ran down to the arcade to play some games...
Tyler (my nephew) had taken his left over money from the previous weeks camp, down to get change for the arcade... the boys walked into what they thought was an ice cream shop...
(there was a neon ice cream cone on the side of the building)
the owner of the resort walked into the building, startling the boys... he saw the wad of singles in Tyler's hand & began questioning him where he got the money... he took the money from my nephew & told him to go & get my sister in law...
My sister in law confirmed that the money was indeed Tyler's...
You would think at this point the owner would have apologized for scaring the boys & taking the money from them but no... he just said that SATAN shouldn't come between them.. HUH? WHAT?
I will leave out all of the gory details of the rest of the week & how ODD the owners were... watching everyone ALL of the TIME... yelling at the kids to get off of the rope in the pool...
the frowns they threw our way when we popped open a beer after a long day on the lake...

Despite the resort.. with mold in the bathrooms & every cabin with its own unique smell...
wet dog
or the ever popular
dead fish...
we were having a FABULOUS time boating,skiing & tubing (THANK YOU Whats up Dock! for an excellent experience with your marina)

I probably would have just left the resort & never said a word... but on the last day of our stay I was PUSHED over my limit... (or so I thought...)

The owner approached my sister in law with what sounded like or started like an apology...
he explained to my S.I.L that he took the money from Tyler, so that she would know what was going on with her son!?!... (please keep in mind there was NEVER any money missing..)
He wanted to HELP her by CO PARENTING her child... Ummm excuuuse me?

If that wasn't jaw dropping enough... I returned to my cabin to find this farewell letter on our bed.. basically saying.. if you were happy with your stay please leave a 5 star rating... if you were NOT happy with your stay please keep quiet.

On the last evening... Bjorn mentioned a conversation he had had with Debbie downer.. the co owner or the "resort"

She had complimented Bjorn on what a nice, mature, niece he had... & then as they turned to walk away she said.. you know, the sister to the shoplifter... SNAP... that was the straw that broke the camels back....
I did speak with one of the owners on the day of our departure... I told him I was extremely disappointed with our week at Kimberling Oaks.. He assured me he KNEW there was never any money missing.. and regretted the way my sister in law had OVER REACTED to him questioning her son... hmmm...
I mentioned his wife's comment to my husband about my nephew "the shop lifter" .. his response? well she was upset with how the week had gone & well "you know women..."
(yes.. he said that)
I asked him about helping me SIL "Co Parent her child" ... he responded with "well it takes a village to raise a child"

I decided at that point I would leave a review on Trip Advisor... as did the rest of our group.... ..
My brother was the first to leave a comment. In my opinion it was a pretty fair assessment of the property... as soon as the review went up... he started receiving threatening emails from the owner... (hellllo... freak says WHAT?)

"Your libelous assault has not gone un noticed by our lawyers. Why would you say such horrible lies. Have you ever heard of tortous interference? Your lawyer will know what it is. Please just remove your review and go on with your life rather than tyring to disrupt our lives with your viscious assaults on our character and performance. Your sister in law was wrong! God is watching." (he was referring to my brother's wife...not sister in law...)

The emails just kept rolling in today... sigh.....

Please excuse the poor quality of this video.. & thanks again for letting me VENT... ARGH...

How would you like to take nice relaxing bath?
tomorrow: my life as a reality star... : )


Oh my gosh... Look at that bathroom with that sorry piece of soap. & to say something about a child is so out of line and inappropriate. Keep your chin up. I'm hoping the clouds will clear for you soon. *hugs*
Anonymous said…
Despite the owners of the resort being such a**hats, that was a semi-hilarious post. Lawyers?! Yeah right. Just stick to your guns there. It's you duty in the democratic process to let other people know they shouldn't waste their time and money on that place. Good for you! If their nasty emails keep up, save them for reference, and then copy them all into a semi.offical looking document and write them back, to counter their threats. Or don't waste your time. Lawyers, my ass. Oh right, I said that already :)
sues2u2 said…
OH. MY. GOODNESS. That photo is absolutely sickening! And they talked to the kids that way?! Wow! I'm thinking y'all were pretty nice not to have just packed up & left.
Sounds like something from a horror film! Thanks for letting us know to avoid them.
This comment has been removed by the author.
GROSS!!! What an asswipe. Go get em girl!!!
Frizzy said…
CREEPY! I hope your next destination really is 5 Star!
Stacia said…
Thank you so much for caring to leave a review. I love trip advisor and always check the site prior to making reservations anywhere.
I love it when people have the courage to say it like it is regardless of taking some flack.
If others had bothered to let YOU know about the place you wouldn't have had to go through that!
Kelli Nørgaard said…
I am SPEECHLESS ! Are there really BUSINESS OWNERS out there like this??? People in customer service, YES, but business owners??! IT's like, whom do you complain to when the owner is such a baffoon!

So sorry for the awful experience! But I thing Trip advisor was the PERFECT place to vent!
Robbi said…
I am so shocked and speechless. Those people sound like nuts. I'm so glad for sites like TripAdvisor that tell it like it is.

I hope the rest of your holiday is 5-star!
DianeCA said…
We give them a five thumbs down and tell the weirdos to stay away from the kids! I promise never to stay there.
Mrs4444 said…
This is incredible! I'm really glad I read this and would like to tweet the link. Is that okay? I also have a Saturday Sampling post today that you could link it to. Unbelievable.
Mrs4444 said…
P.S. Did you hear banjos playing at all when you were there? Your experience reminds me of Deliverance! haha
Lucy and Ethel said…
YIKES! We have a little rental cabin, and folks comment on how clean it is (wish I could say the same for our house!). I can't imagine walking into a 'resort' (ha) and finding that!

And the rest??? Just CREEPY.

Thanks to Mrs4444 for tweeting this! I don't think the 'resort' needs to worry about a deluge of reservations....

I found this through Mrs. 4444's post on Facebook. Thanks for writing an honest review - sounds like those folks needed it and not "keep it quiet."

Kristin - The Goat
Holy cow....crazy people! I hope the emails stop!
Anonymous said…
Wow, I travel a lot too. Stayed in some questionable places. But the rudeness of the management/staff/owners is dispicable!! Good job warning other travelers on Trip Advisor to stay away! hopefully, your future travels will be better!
PiNG aka Patti said…
Frightening. And do not be intimated - you have the right to post a review! That 'goodbye' letter alone is worth ranting about.
Anonymous said…
My jaw hit the floor. What kind of wacko's run this place? Referencing Satan?!? They sound like a bunch of nutcases. I'm so sorry you had such a bad experience. I hope the rest of your trip goes much much better.
WOW! My response to "God is watching" is "yep--and he's watching you, too!"

Note to self: don't stay there!

(I hope you had a nice time with your family, though!)
Kelly said…
Don't mess with the W clan!! What Freaks!!
Kelly said…
Don't mess with the W clan!! What Freaks!!
magicdarts said…
what a nightmare! - somehow I don't think he's got a legal leg to stand on!!
Skogkjerring said…
All I have to say is....OH......MY.......GOD.......For real?? GEEEEEZZZZZ!!!!!
RennyBA said…
More power to you, the power of the independent press, the bloggers of the world unite! I am glad you still had a mostly good experience inspite of such crazy hosts!
likeschocolate said…
I think you had every right to post about how terriable your stay was and that is what trip advisor is for. Thanks for sharing this story. I will be sure not to stay at this resort. We went to Branson in May-June and had a blast.
Tezzie said…
Holy crap, what a nightmare place! Hope the rest of your summer vacation has been good, though!
Kacie said…
He sounds like he's crazy and he's using religion to defend himself too.

Stick to your stories but don't go overboard in your critique, and you'll come out ahead in the end!
Priscilla said…
That just sounds weird. Nut cases indeed!
OMG! First, I hope you don't mind that I had to giggle a little at your expense....but, goodness gracious, what a crazy experience!!! In the thank you letter did they also give you a recommended gratuity amount..hehe!

Stick to your guns and keep the review up...don't back down. I'm off to Tripadvisor to read the reviews, and making a mental note not to add this 'resort' on my list.

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