Having a BLAST in MO...

The last two weeks since my last post has been AMAZING...
We had one day in Kansas City before heading down to Branson MO... Table Rock Lake..
I had forgotten how amazing the lake was... we vacationed here as children, and am so happy we were able to bring our children... ALL of our children to the lake...
The entire family hadn't been together since my baby sis' wedding 2 years ago...
I took thousands of photos... but will just a share a few with you today....

Pretty much EVERYTHING about the week at the lake was perfect...except our cabins...
We stayed at Kimberling Oaks "resort"in Kimberling City, MO...
lets just say a total disaster...but I will have to save that for another post.

Hope y'all are having a fab summer... can't wait to catch up on all of your blogs.
Kimberling Oaks resort, Kimberling City MO mold mildew rude horrible management


Lisa said…
I miss the US!
sues2u2 said…
Can't wait to hear more details but the pix look wonderful!
Diana said…
What a fun time! The photos are awesome!

Visiting from SITS! Have a blessed and beautiful day!

Kelly said…
I've been stalking your pictures on facebooks...it's great seeing how everyone is doing. I'm so happy you all are having a good time!
Corinne said…
What a cool summer vacation!
So glad you're having (or had) a great time!!
Anonymous said…
I see quite a number of "little yous" or Tressa's minin-me several times over !!!! Delightful !!

I love the photo of your Dad with the two little girls - he looks so "completely happy" and I noticed his hands with the bruising - it reminds me so much of my wonderful Dad. Oh memories ... what wonderful ones this trip will bring your entires family. Thanks for sharing.

Nicole said…
You're in my home state! Branson is fun, fun, fun for the family!!Have a great vacation!
becky said…
Aw, you're in my old stomping grounds. I miss it so much! Have lots of fun.
magicdarts said…
what a fine clan you are -I'm sure you'll treasure the memories for a long long time!

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