Guess where we have been...

I KNOW... it seems like EXCUSES EXCUSES as to why I never write anymore...
But really... in my defense...

Eva & I came back from the states...(without Dane)
had 4 days to TRY to unpack & do a load of laundry before we took to the skys AGAIN...

Guess where we went.....

Hello little plug to RYANAIR... yes, I LOVE YOU RYANAIR.... I would love anything that took me to see my loved ones for a mere $25 each way...LOVE LOVE LOVE you!

(this is a view of our area....pretty, isn't it?)

Can you guess where we went?

Still noooo idea?

I knew the Fish & Chips would give it away....
Eva & I went across the pond to see some of my bestest friend from the GOOD 'Ol SEABOURN Cruise line DAYS...

Us... in the good Ol SEABOURN days... sigh.... (somewhere in Greece)

We had so much fun...just sitting out & having a glass (or 2) of wine catching up on each other lives....
meeting each others babies....
Oh the BABIES.... wow... I have about 500 pictures I have to show y'all... talk about BEAUTIFUL babies....

I am STILL recovering from the trip home to the states..& to England... I have 12 days until mom & dad bring Dane back to Norway.. & then it is off on another little trip to Poland...
I KNOW... rough life, but someone has to do it....
Beautiful Baby photos coming tomorrow.... : -)


scargosun said…
Looks like you had a blast! Love the pic of you from your crusin' days! :)
cat said…
Looks like you had a really great time!
Frizzy said…
Where are you going in Poland? I have a wonderful place to stay and shop for pottery.
BenLand said…
what a great shot from the plane!!!
and the pic of you and your daughter is so cool :)
rach said…
Talk about jet lag! Looks like you had a great time in England and had some good weather too! Have fun in Poland!
Unknown said…
frizzy, we are going to Krakow... new town for us.. so I am really looking forward to it... Also looking forward to mom & dad getting over here! :-)
Kelli Nørgaard said…
It is awesome that he got to stay with your folks.. ANd that THEY are bringing him home!

You guys travel as much as we do...isn't it AWESOME?!?!
Joanna Jenkins said…
OMG! That fish and chips dinner looks fabulous.

Great to see all those happy faces too. Safe travels and have fun!
Nana Connie said…
Neat! Love your pics!

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