Explosion in Oslo....

I have received a ton of emails today... just wanted to let y'all know we are all fine.

My poor mother was pretty worried... I was supposed to be at work today. 

Today was my first day back to work after vacation...but due to my jet lag...
I ended up taking home office.  
The explosion was approx 300 yards from my office... everyone got out ok...but of course are in shock.

Right now we are all shocked & stunned... what am I facing when I go back into Oslo on Monday?

I keep thinking back to Sept. 11th.   the day America was changed forever... 
July 22,2011 will be Norway's 9/11-  

First the bombs.. and now the shootings...

WHO could justify going into a youth camp and opening fire on a bunch of kids? 

- still glued to the tube trying to get information about what happened out at Utøya...

Today, Norway's innocence  was lost... 
Things like this don't happen in Norway...or so we thought. 


Tarrant said…
Glad you are ok. I had been watching your blog off and on today to see if you were ok. I wasn't sure if you were back from your trip yet.
Susanne said…
Glad you all are ok,but what a tragedy!Never thought something like that would happen in Norway!
Terry said…
Glad you are safe
Anonymous said…
So very glad you are safe and your family is ok..But so very sad for those hurting and missing!!! Our prayers are with you!!!
So glad your family is safe, but you're right, the innocence is gone :(
Lisa said…
Glad to know you and your family are safe!

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