Now what Norway?

How could something like this happen here in tiny little PEACEFUL Norway?

We (I) were/was wrong yesterday.... this wasn't Norway's 9/11...
But Norway's own Oklahoma City.... AND Columbine all at once. 

Facebook & the rest of the net was going crazy with people hoping that it couldn't be true...

The bombing /massacre in Norway yesterday was by a home grown CRAZY...

I think most of Norway will be glued to our TV's today...praying that they find more children on a neighboring island... that maybe they did indeed..swim to safety & are just waiting to be picked up..

My heart is breaking for everyone who has been touched by this tragedy...
My heart is breaking for Norway & Norwegian Society.

What will happen to this man... who as I understand it... went with police... without further drama.

My first reaction was that there is no punishment which could fit what Anders Behring Breivik has done.
I'll admit the Ol'Texas Girl in me's reaction was "Hang 'em" ... which won't happen here..
Norway does not nor will it ever have the death penalty...

The maximum sentence in Norway is 21 years... plus 10 years for security.

I am sure (hope) there will be some way to keep him in longer... 

I have heard from many people who think that the rules for imprisonment should NOT be changed to Breivik.... If Norway, begins to change things FOR HIM... hasn't he won?

He should have to face the parents... the loved ones.. of each of his victims...
and hear about the life that he has taken for his own crazy beliefs... 

I don't know much of anything at the moment...
But I do know that Norway and the Norwegian people need your prayers...


Betsy said…
Simply heartbreaking. Prayers for the people of Norway.
Anonymous said…
What this serves to highlight is that the Scandinavian obsession with Islamaphobia and painting anyone who is muslim to be a potential terrorist has been grossly misguided. We've long been worried about the suicide and self harming statistics in Norway Denmark and Sweden. The home grown far right movements here are also a main concern, as are the mental health statistics. People are saying, how could this happen in could this be a Scandinavian that did this? In actual fact, the writing has been on the wall for a long time. Scandinavia is a pressure cooker, sealed off, far too right wing and highly hostile to racial minorities and it is no wonder the nationals are imploding.

Our prayers and thoughts are indeed with the Norwegians right now, but hopefully this will cause people to actually look..really look at the culture that could grow such crazed individuals as the sick and twisted person who slaughtered these poor people.

And now it is time for people to understand that terrorists can be any race creed or colour. Terrorism can also be institutionalised, as we see within the scandinavian model.

Our thoughts are with the victims and in this case, possibly the criminal. In what kind of state must he have been in to commit such an horrific crime? Better off dead himself probably.
Anonymous said…
In terms of 21 life sentence, I'm fairly sure that the +10 for security can be increased indefinately if the subject is considered a genuine threat to society. In effect, anyone unstable enough to be a risk can be kept jailed for life if need be.
Debbie Petras said…
I agree; Norway needs our prayers. I think the Norwegian people were shocked by this as most felt safe. I have heard from my Norwegian relatives. They also described it more as an Oklahoma tragedy. The world is not safe and yes prayers are needed.
Leah said…
We're heartbroken for Norway today... When the shootings in Tucson happened early this year, it was just too close to home. My husband was outside playing with our kids and heard the shots. Yesterday morning my heart skipped a beat when I heard "explosion at a government building in Oslo" ...My father in law works at the Parliament. Thankfully he is on vacation and not in the city this week. But then, the news just got worse as the day and evening went on and the situation is worse than I could ever imagine.

I always hoped that if anyone was immune to such violence, it would be Norway. Unfortunately, yesterday's events are proof that no one is immune. My hope is that Norwegians can find peace and move forward with open eyes and open hearts. Hugs from the US.
La.. said…
Hello , Im very sad for all the people from Norway , from Oslo. I know the impotent that you can fiel ...I remenber the terrorist atack in Madrid.
Spain stand whit Norway .
A big hug for you
Momo Fali said…
I am just so very sorry. This is so tragic. So many young lives...gone.
ThePeachy1 said…
no words powerful enough to convey the sorrow in my heart for everyone there, those lost, those that loved them and those that will deal with surviving and the pain involved. My southern heart goes out to a beautiful country in a time of shock and horror.
I'm so sorry.
I thought of you immediately.

You have our prayers - daily, nightly, always.
MommyLisa said…
Wow anonymous...can people have shock and grief before we give the sermon?
Anonymous said…
Wow Mommy Lisa, it appears you are the one giving the sermon. For those of us with relatives and friends in Norway we have no choice but to address the underlying reasons for the atrocity.

The sensationalism and shock value of this most horrendous event can be left to those who are at a safe distance.
I was thinking of you when this happened--and my Grandpa who is currently visiting for the first time.

It is tragic and terrible. Keeping Norway in our thoughts!
Anonymous said…
The Seattle Ballard Nordic Museum is having a vigil for the families in Norway this Tuesday evening. I believe at 6:00 pm. Please join if you can.
MoMo 2.0 said…
I know what you mean about our Texas genes kicking in... the first thing I think of in situations like this is the death penalty....
and I understand the Scandinavia way of punishing criminals, but sometimes I think there are extreme cases that need extreme punishments...

Sending lots of love your way !
Definitely thought of you and your family and so glad you are safe! Will continue praying for Norway. xo
sweetie said…
I feel sorry for the people of Norway it is really very tragic...and hope all these things does not happen all over again neither in Norway nor anywhere else...

Keeping my fingers crossed!!!
Such a terrible tragedy. It's interesting to hear your thoughts since you are - obviously - much closer than we are, while still having a sort of outside perspective.
I hopped over from another blog. I am a Texan too, but my mom was born in Tromso. I was there last summer, as well as in Oslo, and I am so in love with Norway. My heart has been sick for everyone there, those families, and all of Norway. We are praying for all of you.

Anonymous said…
Hubby and I were in Paris when this act of terrorism occurred. As with the rest of the world, we were in complete and utter *shock* that such a thing would happen in Norway. The following day (the Tour de France was arriving in Paris), I wanted to hug every Norwegian we saw. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your fellow countrymen. Peace.

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