Oslo today...

Today was my first day back in the city.... it was surreal...

I wasn't sure what to expect...
 but found out quickly that my normal parking garage was closed because it is so close to the court house...

Today Anders Behring Breivik had his first court hearing...

I watched out of my office window, looking at all of the reporters waiting for him

It just felt like a HEAVY day...ya know?
Waiting for the mass murderer to drive down the street... and the non stop rain...

Made for a very long afternoon.

When I left the office I was exhausted...WORN OUT... these past couple of days as been a lot...on EVERYONE...

Before picking up my car.. I decided to walk down to the church....

There were make shift shrines EVERYWHERE...
I have never seen so many people on the streets of Oslo.... in the rain...
No one talking... just reflecting...

I am glad I took the walk before heading home...  there was a sense of solidarity...

This afternoon not only Norway... but Scandinavia stood still for a min. of silence.
This evening... 200,000 people took to the streets of Oslo...

The day ended on a pretty amazing note....

"Anders Behring Breivik ville skape krig, men verden svarer med å holde hverandre i hendene - for fred. "
"Anders Behring Breivik wanted to create a war, but the world answered by holding each others hand, for peace...."

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Anonymous said…
incredibly sad but unfortunately a surreal experience seeing everything with your own eyes... praying for everyone in and around there...still at a loss for words :-S
trininista said…
I am happy that you are safe. It is such a senseless tragedy - so many lives affected, so much loss. One man thought he could carve his place in history with such immense cowardice and hatred, but he underestimated the deep beauty of the human spirit. God bless us all!
Jaymo said…
Well-spoken, and thanks also for sharing the photos...wish I could have been there to share in honoring the dead.
1A said…
I'm with you in spirit.
Anonymous said…
Very sad days.
Some of my family is coming to Norway next summer. I am a Norwegian from Mn. I enjoy reading your blog and thinking of what we want our kids and grandkids. You will be a help to us in your So. Norway business trips.
Kelli Nørgaard said…
I would like to share your post on my blog if that is ok.... it is a proof of how Norway is rising above all of this....
lisa said…
Thanks for letting us see the personal side of this tragedy without all of press bru-ha-ha.

Still unbelievable about the poor kids and their families.

Thoughts to you and Norway!
Laura said…
So sad, so needless. I'm glad you and your family are okay, it's hard to know what to say-- it's unthinkable that a person could do something so horrific and senseless. I hope the people of Oslo find great strength in each other and the thoughts and prayers being sent to them from around the world.
I love your pictures--because they give us, those living outside of Norway, a REAL idea of how the Norwegian people are feeling. We've all seen photos like this before (9/11, Princess Diana, etc). But for some reason, your photos put a "face" to what is happening. I don't know what it is. I thank you for sharing them with us.
cat said…
This is so hugely sad - the whole world is gripped by the sadness, but also the solidarity and love of the people of Norway.

Love from South Africa.
MommyLisa said…
Wow - so glad after reading back that you were at home during the explosion and that all your work colleagues/friends are okay. Peace!
Kelly said…
{{{tears}}} I'm so thankful you guys are safe! I didn't hear about the event at the end of the day - the human spirit is amazing and no madman can destroy it!!
Lizzie said…
so sad :( but like you said. he actually united Norway. hugs.
Lindsay said…
I wish you could see the enormous goosebumps on my arm. What incredible pictures.

Thank you for giving us a glimpse into Norway in the wake of that awful tragedy.


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