Fall Halloween ideas...

I love fall... I REALLY do...
But it also really makes me miss home...

Football.. Halloween...CHILI.. all of the great decorations... sigh...

We just don't have the same options over here...
& if you find something CUTE... it is going to cost you...
I WANT to get into the FALL mood I really do... I am going to have to get creative..
Or at least find some really good ideas off of pinterest... lol
Mason jar ghosts... I have loads of paint in the basement... why not?

Yummy & Fun!

Martha Stewart Cut outs....

So easy!  Have loads of frames... in my basement..

Lets hope this improves my motivation....
Might actually see if I can find a pumpkin patch ..lol... keep you posted


I gotta get on that cider, sounds sooo good right now!
Frizzy said…
We made ghost lanterns like that with modge podge and paper. So much fun!
Julie D said…
Love your blog, I'll be back to read more!!!!!
546875687sdf said…
I adore this post - I have a similar (Far less pretty photos in mine, I was lazy..) post about how its just not the same in Norway! Bring on the christmas celebrations is all I can get really excited about now!
Kelli Nørgaard said…
Do you see much Halloween in Norway?
It's coming bit by bit in DK...but still nothing like in the US! Happy Halloween!

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