Getting fit in 2012... nah, REALLY...

Where have I been all week?  Turning over a new leaf.  No, for real this time...  
 I have started 2012 with a bang.

THIS will be the year I get FIT.... notice, I am not saying, finally squeeze myself into some size 6?  Ya, cause THATS never going to happen... but then again...who knows.

This year started with the usual PANIC... HOLY Sh!T... what have I done to myself? 
 Did I really eat the entire (fill in the blank)? yes, yes I did... hide the evidence, as if that might help. HA...

I have 2 weeks  5 days until a black tie affair.. will I fit into my dress?  SIGH...

To be honest, this is the story of my life... before every event... just stop eating for a week or two... get into the dress...(feel miserable) - start eating again... repeat.. over & over & over.

As I was getting ready go out for my New Years walk... to start the year on the right foot...
My son asked to go with me... :-)   Ahh... yes, that would be nice.  Lets go...
We walked & talked & walked some more....
We both agreed it was nice... just walking & talking... & wouldn't it be nice if we could get into the habit?

We decided that this would be the year of starting GOOD habits...

We have walked EVERY day since...
Baby boy even got mommy to RUN... ok, jog.. but something I swore I would NEVER do...
This week, I have logged over  37 MILES...
Yea Me! :-)

Instead of focusing on a number this year... on the scale or in my clothes...
I am going to concentrate on FEELING GOOD... and getting into good habits.

I have been on and off of diets my ENTIRE life...  starting at about 6.
No one knows more about dieting than me.. 
so why do I find myself in the same place year after year after year?

I think I figured it out... because I SUCK at a horrible, LAZY cook..
& I will take the first trap that comes across to fall off of the wagon.

As I walked and walked and walked this week.. instead of focusing on the dress I wanted to wear...
I started to think about the pitfalls of the coming week.

When will I have time to walk/workout... what will I eat? What could go wrong?

Normally, when I do my PANIC Diet... I eat nothing but salad for weeks...
 and let the family fend for themselves...

Bjørn makes very some of the best sauces EVER...
But he loves CARBS... and has no problem feeding them to the family every chance he gets.

If I want things to work out this year... I am going to have to learn how to cook...
FOR real.  I am going to have to plan meals... OMG...

If I want to keep working out... I need to plan ahead... and stick to that plan..
 no matter how much I DO NOT WANT TO GO..

This week I will be working in Oslo everyday & traveling.. if I want to work out.. that means I will have to have my butt out by 5:30 am.  Will I do it?

(Diet TRAPS)    I am not letting my husband aka THE FEEDER.
or my mother in law.. shove potatoes with gravy  down my throat.
I will not, I will not..

If I don't want him making meals.. I need to do it right?

I have planned a menu...

& have actually been COOKING this week...  :-)

This sure is a lot to take on at one time... more difficult than just eating salads for a few weeks..
Wish me luck & I will keep you posted.


Deidre said…
My husband and I have recently got into menu planning for the week, although we did it to lower our grocery bills by not just buying everything it also has helped save us some time every night! Good luck!
Maxabella said…
Oh best of luck! Make lots of changes and maybe this will be your year!

Thanks for linking up with us. x
ME TOO! I am sick and tired of the muffin top that age forty-something gifted me.

Last week, I began my new lose the muffin program.

I teach yoga at Elixia, 3 classes per week, but I am not in good cardio condition. AND teaching isn´t exactly working out!

So I have added their 500 cal class to my program, twice a week. It is kicking my ass, but clearly a good ass kicking is what I needed!

I took the kids XC skiing yesterday, and we had a great day. Oh and I joined a group of elderly whack-a-do ladies who go ice swimming once a week, more like dunking.

I could hardly get out of bed this morning.

Best of luck to you and all your 2012 endeavors!
Leah said…
You can do it!! There will be challenges for sure, but take it one meal and one day at a time. If you fall off the wagon one day, get back on the next day and don't dwell. I think moderation and activity are KEY to a healthy lifestyle. If I lived in Norway I think I could easily become an avid cross country skiier--there are so many beautiful trails and lit ski areas everywhere, and skiing is much like walking which gives opportunities for reflection and thought, and a fabulous full body workout to boot!

As for food, focus on whole foods rather than processed stuff (which I think is easier to do in Norway?) More veggies, less carbs, lean protein (might be a little harder to do in Norway?)

Anyway, you can do it!
Kelli Nørgaard said…
WOW!! that is awesome!
I know you can do this! IT is a wonderful goal and maybe you will inspire me just a bit! :-)

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