Black & White Wed.. NOT my kids....or beach

I am playing Black & White Wed. with Lisa over at The long road to China.
& SURPRISE, SURPRISE... this week I am NOT posting pictures of Eva or our beach.
Yesterday the SUN was out & the snow was falling-... Beautiful I tell you... hopped in my car & hit the farm country between our house & my office...
Really, how cool is it that we have FARM country right by the Beach?
- kind of the best of both worlds...
now only if I could switch the country over to speaking only ENGLISH all of the time... (I kid)


Gorgeous do have the best of both beach and country. I wish for a little English too and maybe some Mexican food!!
Ghada said…
Those are gorgeous piccies...I may have to start playing along. I am a Canadian living in NEw Zealand :)
Sonya said…
Oh my, the horses are just beautiful! Im wishing for some english too..and chinese
Lisa said…
So agree with Frau--more Mexican food would be AWESOME!

Especially like the 2nd pic--cool shot!
Mom2Isabel said…
That second shot... with the snowflakes on the horse... is just stunning!
Beautiful!! You really do have the best of both worlds:) What a pretty place.

Have a wonderful week!

Linda said…
Hi, Stopping by from SITS. These photos are beautiful. Love photos of animals.
ahh...The best of both worlds. How about a farm by the beach with a view of the mountains. That sounds like perfection!
My Heart said…
Great shots!

Following you now. As a Canadian whose heart loves Norway, I will live vicariously through you. Ok? {Grin}
Unknown said…
Oh, LOVE your pictures this week for this! So pretty!
LadyFi said…
Fantastic! And what a cool place to live - on a farm at the beach...

Lovely shots.
Wanda said…
Great shots. These could be from 100 years ago. Really great!
Anonymous said…
Lovely! Those horses (or are they ponies?) are gorgeous, and look right at home in the snow with their shaggy coats! I especially love the first picture, with the trees and the fence acting as the perfect snowy backdrop for the horse or pony or whichever it is (and I really ought to know, because I grew up in farm country, but we had more dairy farms near us, so I'm better with cows).
Fantastic's shots!!! Love what you chose...I really really love the first pretty!!!
Gail said…
These are stunning!!! I live in a rural area and can appreciate the farm scenes.
Unknown said…
I love the first one, how the horse seems to melt into the landscape. All that snow, wow!
Anonymous said…
You totally score with the beach AND farm ground! Love the angle of the second one :)
Both of these are fabulous! They make me calmer just looking at them. They both ooze serenity.
kerri said…
These are beautiful and serene, must show these to my eldest she is a horse lover, they will enchant her...
Sues2u2 said…
All I can think of is beautiful. How absolutely beautiful & serene.
Anonymous said…
Gorgeous photos. Absolutly beautiful.
WOuld you consider submitting some photos to my new publication. ud be great for it.
best wishes
Lisa said…
Enchanting ~ it almost seems a bit timeless and mystical!!

Best of both worlds certainly!

Unknown said…
Both are fabulous, but something about the way the horse is positioned in the first photo...perfect!
Robin said…
awwww you do have the best of both worlds ... beach & a farm :) love these pictures & the snow falling. Gret job!
Beautiful shots!!! But Brrrrrr cold!!
Teri said…
Love the composition on the first shot, especially.
cat said…
Great pictures of those adorable ponies. I am just thinking they must be cold but I am sure Norwegian ponies are sort of used to snow.
Donna said…
Brrrrrr! But so beautiful!

Our Blog: Double Happiness!
Those are just beautiful aren't they? WOW... awesome pics!
Dumbwit Tellher said…
Stunning photos. It sounded like the perfect photographic day x
Anonymous said… do live a most beautiful place..But your telling of the story is what makes it great for me...Hope your getting a lot of Chocolate and love on this special day...
Karen said…
Your photos took my breath away.
Oh for the love of ponies!!!
Can you believe that?
I'm 29, and I still want a pony.
Your photographs are beyond beautiful (as always).
Elusive Moose said…
Lovely black and white pix!!!! :-)

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