Women around the world

Not long ago I was asked to participate in a project called COMMUNAL GLOBAL.

I am THRILLED to be among an AWESOME group of women..

We will each share 1 photograph every day that sort of represents our lives, cultures, and families. So far we have women representing Japan, the Bahamas, Taiwan, Utah, Las Vegas, Germany & NORWAY! : )

We are still looking for a few good women from around the world...

Please hop on over & check us out.


Anonymous said…
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Emily said…
What a fun idea! I can't wait to see the results!
Very cool!I'm excited to read and see more!
BLOGitse said…
Cool idea but what you mean by
"good women from around the world"?
How do I know if I'm good or not? :)
Lisa said…
This project looks super cool!
Wow, what a project! Great fun :)
Herself said…
I'm interested, but can't comment on the site. Or find a way to contact someone!
Laura said…
OK, will check it out! Laura in Ludwigsburg, Germany
Helen McGinn said…
Love the idea hon; went over as the Scottish contingent but it won't let me post a comment. xx
Anonymous said…
That sounds like a fun idea if being from Cincinnati, Ohio USA is cool enough. Visiting and looking around from SITS!
Baby Sweetness said…
Stopping by from SITS. That sounds like a really interesting idea, so I'll have to check it out!
Unknown said…
Great one, Love the idea, Iam from India and would love to join, but didn't see anything, where I should contact or comment.

Unknown said…
Thanks for including me, Punk.

Philadelphia representing.

And if I remember correctly, I TOLD YOU about the link...

; ) MAN! I gets NO respect.

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