Random Tuesday Thoughts... the tired edtion

My head is FUUUULLL of Random Thoughts.. not sure how interesting they are.... go check out other random thoughts at the UN MOM
I am POOPED... Home from work last night (this morning 12:30) up by 6 am
7:30 dropped kids off at school/daycare... Dr.s appointment...
(As most of y'all know, Norway has socialized medicine... ahem. I need to see a dermatologist..in order to do that I have to go to my regular Dr. to get a recommendation... (check)
Call the dermatologist... find out I can't get until MAY... Hello? - my gosh, how long can I go on looking like a 16 year old..(& NOT in a GOOD Way..)
Hello PRIVATE Dr. next week, but $150 consultation fee.... )
Snapped a few pictures because it was snowing & the sun was out... AWESOME.
Back to the office for a few hours...
lunch with sick MIL.
Pick up kids from school/daycare
Drop big kid off at kickboxing...
Buy costume for little kids Carnival.
Home /dinner.
Bath time..
How was your DAY OFF?


Hmmm...that derm things sounds kinda annoying. I have tons of random thoughts also. We need a new car so I am feverishly hoping that I can get things ironed out soon.

Betsy said…
So sorry about the derm thing. Been there, done that (with a very ill baby), and had to go back to the states for treatment. Instead of waiting four months to see the ped g.i., he saw one within days in the states. I found the whole system VERY frustrating!

My day was spent watching it snow! I am so over snow!!!
Momstart said…
I hate when doctors are so booked up you can't see them for a year
Sues2u2 said…
Wow. You've been, um, just a little busy?! Do I ever understand the whole derm thing. Good luck w/ the private dr.
Kelly said…
Girl, you need to learn how to be lazy!!
Karen said…
Arrrggghhhh......I get the whole looking like a 16 year old and not in a good way.

I am exhausted just reading about your day off. I hope you got a nap in there somewhere.

Wish your MIL well for me.
Cristin said…
Takes longer to see a Derm around here.

Day off?? WTF is THAT?

I'm not working tomorrow, but we're getting a blizzard, so no school... grrrrrr.
Popped over from SITS: Seeing the doctor in general here I have a ton of emotions about. After being in the health care field for over 12 years I no longer call it home.
Wishing you a blessed Wednesday!
polkadot said…
same stress but different issues. sounds like we both need a drink!
Not nearly as crazy as yours...I think people don't realize socialize medicine is not all it's cracked up to be. I hope today is better or at least somewhat more relaxing.
Amazing what moms can fit in to a day off :) Is America the only country w/o socialized medicine?
Jan said…
Remember, you are entitled to use any hospital or clinic you like, and get your travel expenses paid (less the co-pay, about 400 Nkr) They should have told you that.

The government has a web page set up to help you find the place where its quickest to see a specialist. (Time off for the trip might be a problem, I expect, but the doctors can't help there.)

You can find the page at:


or an English version at: http://www.frittsykehusvalg.no/english

You can also call them at 800 41 004 for more information.

A quick browse indicates its less than two weeks wait for a non-emergency dermatology appointment. More if you don't want to travel. If you neither want to travel nor wait, it the private sector, which is not that expensive.
I had to get a appointment with a dermatiologist last year, and got to pick from a selection of times ranging between "in half an hour to "tomorrow at 9".
kanishk said…
I hate when doctors are so booked up you can't see them for a year.

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