IT could be worse...

OK, so remember when I told you my boss had planned a little surprise for all of the managers?

We would be going somewhere?

Well my office called on Friday to ask for my passport number... um, sure hold on... I run over to grab my little red passport holder, which has help said passport for the past um 15 years, only to discover it is G O N E.

How can it be GONE? - I have had a passport for over 23 years & have never lost it ....

I spent my ENTIRE weekend... Valentines Day & Mothers Day... with PERFECT weather searching HIGH & LOW for it... it is GONE.

I think after 2 days of my being FRANTIC looking/cleaning through EVERYTHING... Bjørn suggested looking in the kids CLOSET... ha ha ha... Mr. Funny Man.

My house/car have never been cleaner...but still NO passport.

I am SICK... SICK all over...

I went to report it missing to the police station last night... Of course the American Embassy is closed today because of Presidents day... which leaves tomorrow to get everything sorted out...

You know darn good & well I will get to the embassy & be missing something.

Did I mention my flight leaves on Wed? - Oh... & we are going to ENGLAND... oh ENGLAND... land of ENGLISH SPEAKING PEOPLE::: finally, one up on all of my co workers....

Please cross your fingers for me that I get a NICE person at the embassy who takes PITY on me & issues me an EMERGENCY PASSPORT....

Remember how I mentioned my little skin problem? - Yea, well it is brought on by STRESS... wanna guess how pretty I am looking right about now? - the only thing I am missing is braces & a training bra... cause my face is a MESS...

The appointment with the private dermatologist? - tomorrow... when I will be at the embassy.

So just in case y'all were wondering where I went... now you know... CRAZY... I am freaking losing my mind...


Bjørn keeps assuring me that is COULD BE WORSE... & in 10 years I will look back on this past weekend & laugh...
I doubt it.


I so hope that they sort it out in time. Crossing fingers for you my friend.xx
I hate it when that happens! Seriously, I've been there and it is the worst feeling. You know what will soon as you get your new passport, the old one will turn up. : )

Good luck!! : )
Sandy said…
I hope you can get a new one issued without a hitch.
The old one will turn up when you least expect.
I hope they sort it for you quickly.
Good luck with the emergency passport! Hope you have a wonderful time in England, speaking English! = )
cat said…
Oh no, oh no, oh no! I really hope this all works out.
Sues2u2 said…
Oh, man! I certainly will keep my fingers crossed for you. The worst is that you know it's got to be somewhere close by. What happened to all of the stuff from your camping trip? I'm sure you've searched it but... Oh, man, are my fingers crossed! I LOVED England. That was the first place Hubby & I lived together after we were married.
Karen said…
Crossing my fingers for you. I'll even say a little prayer that is shows up unexpectedly...tonight.
Oh no! I hope you find it...did you dig through all your old purses? Just by chance???? Good Luck. Honestly, that is my worst nightmare with traveling or being over seas! ;)
Oh I cannot even imagine the panic that you must be feeling. I wonder where that passport is hiding?!
Cristin said…
Damn. That's a freaking mess. Good luck!
crystal mascorro said…
I am about to go check and see if mine really is where I think it is. but before that I just had to tell you: Ugh!!!!! I am so sorry this is happening to you! I totally know how frustrating this is. Mine turned up after I called the airlines to change my flights. It turned out to be in the car between the seats, it had fallen out of my pocket. Did ya check there yet? Sending you sympathy and hoping for a happy resolution at the embassy.
Good Luck I hope you get someone helpful.
Deep breaths. This happened to me right before I came to DK for the first time. I ran to the passport office and got an rush passport issued. When I got back from DK and unpacked and re-settled my things, I found my passport randomly stuck in some folders that had been next to my passport holder. Yeah - $200 bucks down the drain.
Jill said…
Oh T - I so hope you found your passport... I can't imagine what you must be feeling right now!

A trip to England... oh what I wouldn't give for that! xx
Kelli Nørgaard said…
I know just how you feel..running around the house like a crazy person, retracing steps, trying to remember every detail of the last time you saw it.....
I hate that you are having to go through this! But excited you are going to the land of English speakers!
Anonymous said…
Pocket of the coat / jacket you wore when travelling last?

I do hope you find it in time Tressa.
I am saying a little prayer,
Mammatalk said…
Lots of luck to you. And, I'll have a look around here, too...Ya never know.
Debbie said…
I am so sorry! That is very stressful. I hope it all worked out.
Dumbwit Tellher said…
I'm late reading this but I'm holding out all hopes that all went well & you have emergency passport in hand & are wandering the streets of England or sitting in a nice cozy pub somewhere. I agree, I doubt this will ever be funny but husbands are often good at being the optimist.

All my best to you x deb
Stesha said…
My aunt recently had a break-in. What did the thieves steal...her passport. Talk about scary. And she lives in the Bahamas.

Anyway, I hope you're relaxing on your trip as I type these words!

Hugs and Mocha,
Charlotte said…
I hope everything works out at the embassy. That's a scary position to be in, but I agree with the poster who said earlier that as soon as you get your new one, you'll find the old. That's always the case, isn't it?

I have family in Norway and it's beautiful. Would love to return! Hope you're having wonderful adventures :)
Tezzie said…
I so hope you got it sorted and that you're off in England right now! Looking forward to seeing your pics!!!
DianeCA said…
Huff a meg!! I hope it all works out for you! Your husband is right, it could be worse...but not much ;-)
Oh no!! I sure hope it turns up, what a drag with the flight leaving so soon. Here in Canada, there are a couple of offices where we can go get passports issued in an emergency although I'm not sure the same rules would apply to replace a lost one.

Fingers crossed for you!
Julie said…
Oh that's so frustrating. I feel your pain. I've been losing important things myself lately, and if I could kick my own butt I would. Hope it all gets straightened out and you enjoy England.
Anonymous said…
oh no! Poor Baby! I hope they ARE so NICE to you! But really did you look in the kids closet..that old purse ??? and stress..No way...Breathe in..BREATHE DANG it! :)...No really...get better..hurry..YOUR going England!!!!!! Brat.. Have fun...
I'm hoping that the fact that we haven't heard from you means that you are/have been living it up in England because everything worked out just fine...! Hoping...
Unknown said…
Oh my gosh. You poor thing! I am so sorry you had to go thru all of this. Pure craziness!
Kirstchick28 said…

Just found your blog and am loving it!! I am a kiwi who lived in Halden for 18 months back in 1997...woah it seems so long ago. Actually it IS a long time ago - the kids I au paired for are at uni in Trondheim now. I miss cross country skiing. 8-(

Hope you find your annoying and stressful.
Lizzie said…
OH NO!!! hope it all worked out :(

by the way... HEY GIRL! missed ya!
Frizzy said…
Keeping your skin in my prayers as well as your trip to the embassy. I pray after all of this you find it right under your nose. IT COULD HAPPEN! When was the last time you used it? Where did you go? Could it be in a pouch of a suit case?
Teri said…
Oh no! Did you find it?
I hope all ended up well and you found your passport and were able to hop over to visit the land of bangers and mash, pub crawls, decent ales, and oh hubby!

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