Really... I started my post about Dublin last weekend... As I was typing... I heard a SCREAMING from behind our house...

Dane ran in & told me a little girl from his class had fallen 3 meters out of a tree & landed on her head.... the ambulance was on its way...

the ambulance decided because it was a head injury, they didn't want to take any chances were going to lifeflight her to Oslo... Helicopter on its way.... landing basically in our back yard.....

Little girl is doing fine... suffered a concussion & broken arm...

Tuesday morning... as I was awaken to what sounded like my house crashing down around me....
Luckily it wasn't... just the bathroom..

Our sinks/cabinet used to look sorta like this....

After Dane dropped a bottle of perfume... it now looks like this.... the glass counter top/sink SHATTERED in a million gazillion pieces..
(despite what it looks like in the picture, the bathroom WAS clean)

& FINALLY... that little Volcano y'all may have heard about? Has shut down all of the airports in Northern Europe... If the ASH doesn't stop blowing our way... 15,000 people in Norway will be temporarily laid off as of Tuesday.... yes...including me

SO Oi!... how was your week?


Anonymous said…
Oh my goodness sweetie..Run to my house..I will take you in!..Poor thing what a week!...As a 911 Op I am always on the answering end..the otherside is scary huh! I can not beleive the sink did that..was it a flaw in the glass? Wow...on second thought, maybe don't stand to close to me...hahaha not really, praying for you all over the valcano situation...how amazing... sending hugs///xoxoxo
Tezzie said…
Oh, wow...what a week full o' drama! Hopefully this week is decidedly less stressful :D
Have a good one!
magicdarts said…
My goodness - probably as well you had some much needed chill out time in Dublin first to prepare you for all this

Main thing is that the little girl is recovering and that survived unscathed.

Hope the Volcano situation improves soon, it must be a surreal time at the moment work wise
I haven't checked in for a while, and just look at you! I still remember your first post:)
The kids are getting so big, ad I cannot believe that is what a glass sink does! Did they warn you about that?
Oh we did that helicopter ride about a year ago. Still paying off that $10,000 bill that our insurance would not cover. Ugh.

I can't believe the sink shattered like that. Or that you might get laid off. Oi is putting it mildly!
Frizzy said…
Oh MY THAT WAS SOME WEEK! One for the record books for sure.

Are you going to replace the counter top with the same glass now that you know how easily it can shatter or do something different?

I pray the volcano doesn't disrupt any more of your life and those lives near it more than it already has.
Buckeroomama said…
Oi indeed! What a week it had been for you.

Although I didn't have time to leave a comment then, I saw the photo on communal global and I thought to myself, whoa.... I don't even want to think of how I would clean it if it had happened to me! I would probably just sit on the floor and bawl!
Corinne said…
Good God. Thank goodness the neighbor girl is doing well and recovering, I could not imagine how scary that must have been for the parents. Re: the sink...is there a way to get that replaced under consumer protection? I guess it would depend on how old it is. Losing the bathroom sink would make me want to pull my hair out.

This volcano thing sucks, big time. No wait...it blows. Harharhar. I read on the news there may be some flights resuming this week, will that happen here in Norway? I'm hoping this doesn't last long, for you, for the stranded folks out there....
Batgirl said…
OMG! Glad to hear she's fine - and that Dane wasn't hurt! Safety glass? I have a living room table that came with a warning label - don't drop anything onto the glass - it WILL shatter - scariest thing ever, am terrified every time I accidentally lose my grip on a cup/glass and it drops - if ever so slightly - onto the table!

So far, the volcano has kept me from seeing h2b, but since we're both stuck in the right place with regards to work, it hasn't caused us much stress. It's even gotten me out of a meeting in Oslo tomorrow! Am hoping flights resume soon though, particularly for all those who may be laid off!
What a week my friend! i didn't realize that the little girl was from your area. Glad it all went well.
What a week my friend! i didn't realize that the little girl was from your area. Glad it all went well.
paige said…
Wow! That's a lot of excitement for one week. That's no good about the sink.

I feel your pain about the volcano. I don't need to get out of here but it's still kinda creepy when the skies are closed.
Kelli Nørgaard said…
wow! Definitely a climb back in bed and cover your head week!!!!
hope tomorrow ends up with GOOD NEWS!
scargosun said…
Wha? I'd be under the bed...with wine. I can't believe that happened to your sink! ;)
Khadra said…
OH MY! Im glad the girl is ok. Im assuming no one got hurt in the bathroom incident since you didnt say anyone did. What a mess!!
Cristin said…
Glad that girl is ok. Med flights freak me out hard core.

Been reading all about that Volcano. It's really jamming up the works for a lot of people.
Julie H said…
Holy Crap! I will never buy a sink like that my kids would ruin it in a day lol.

I hope the ash stops soon and glad to hear the little girl is ok! I'm always so paranoid about my kids falling!
LadyFi said…
What a week! Ash still seems to be causing problems... sure hope you're not laid off for too long.
WOW your week was way more interesting then mine!!! I love that your pictures are still artistic even taking pictures of the helicopter! :)
Mammatalk said…
Holy smokes...(literally)...I was wondering about you when I heard about that volcano. Hope your week improves.
Wow, things are going just a liiiiiiittle bit crazy in your neck of the woods!

Best of luck with everything!
Hoping for a QUIET week to come your way!

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