Y'all... I got nothing...

OK actually I still have T O N S of things to write about... it is just the lack of motivation....

So I have bad news... & good news.....

The bad news? I was laid off because of the Giant Ash cloud....
The Good news? I am back to work tomorrow... Ash cloud has passed & Tressa still has a job...

Yes, in Norway they can lay you off for just a day... or a week ..or a month... Not sure if they do that in the states....

But basically I spent my one day being "laid off" in the unemployment office... just in case...
But the line was soooo long... I said screw it, & went shopping instead. (Thank goodness I am going back to work....)

What else have I done in my free time? Not clean the house, Not find a replacement for the broken counter/sink... not anything I should have...

I did go to lunch with my American girlfriends... sigh... it almost felt like I was home...

Speaking of... just a few short weeks & I will be in the Good Ol' U S ofA.... woo hoo.

This weekend I will be partying with some of the coolest ladies in Oslo... & still have no idea what i am going to wear... & oh ya... catching up on work I missed .. hrmph....

I will make an honest effort to post about Dublin... promise...
I have soo many kick butt pictures from all of my trips this past year & have yet to get them posted... I know... most of y'all are still waiting for the pictures from our European Camping adventure & my Wine trip in Argentina....
Hope everyone is having a good week...please keep your fingers crossed for us in Scandinavia NO MORE VOLCANOES:... I have about had enough...


scargosun said…
SOOO glad you still have our job.. Extrememly scary they can just lay you off like that. I think it was your positive retail therapy that got the lay off reversed. :)
Michaela said…
how good that you have your job back, and good that you went shopping! Good for you! :)
DianeCA said…
Yes, the ash cloud has been really wrecking havoc here. I do hope you don't get laid off again. Thank goodness that it didn't last long. But the unemployment office is not a fun place to hang out. I think shopping was a good choice, as long as your unemployment didnt last long hehehe. Lets all keep our fingers crossed and blow real hard to get that cloud out of here!
paige said…
Believe me, I've had enough, too. I have a trip planned soon and I'm saying a little prayer that it's over.
magicdarts said…
Thank goodness the ash cloud situation has finally improved and pleased to hear you manage to squeeze in some quality retail therapy on your day between jobs!

You've got 24 hour sunshine coming soon, all the great pics and tales from your Dublin adventure, a big night out, a trip to the states any time - come on mate - what more motivation do you need?!

Look forward to "reading all about" it soon!
KathiC10 said…
Hi Tressa,
Ive been lurking on your blog for the last week or so. Still havent got it all read but thought I'd drop you a line.
Im hanging out with my kids and grandkids up in Jessheim, 40 min NE of Oslo. I married a Norske many years ago and my kids grew up and live here still. I live in the States and dont get over here nearly often enough, but this time I'll have been here 3 mo. by the time I go home the end of May.
I have never known another American over here on any of my other stays so Im loving having someone to commiserate with.
Looking forward to finishing the rest of your blog.
cat said…
Really, here they can not do that. The unions will go ballistic.
MoMo 2.0 said…
I am sure in the north US, that could not happen...with all the unions, but I am pretty sure in the south, they can do whatever they want.. .sadly!
Glad you are back at work!!
And looking forward to hearing all about Dublin!
Unknown said…
That sounds weird, they shouldn't be able to fire you overnight like this (minimum 3 months if I recall correctly). They can for limited times put you on paid/unpaid leave though, which I guess might've been what happend?
Jill said…
Woo hoo... an upcoming trip to the USA. And lunch with your girlfriends. And no work...

Wow... now that's a good week!
returning scot said…
Wow...what a great blog. You just got yourself a new fan. As a novice blogger, I'm well impressed. Bravo

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