Week in review..drinking,dancing & singing ABBA

Last weekend was FABULOUS.....
The party was a blast...there was drinking,dancing & a lot of ABBA singing... (I did more of the drinking & less of the singing...)
An awesome group of women from all over the world... we had ladies from India...Belgium..America,Britian & Norway ... & I am sooo happy to have met them...
Finally, I feel at home....
(I promised myself I would NEVER call Norway home...)
There are a lot of us expat women who feel that way....
Seeing this group of women & how happy & how much FUN they have together...
Just assured me... that I CAN have all of the things that I have been missing from the states...
Girlfriends who do lunch, weekends away... people who will have my back if I need them.... they are the kind of friends who I feel like I could call in the middle of the night if need be....
I have really been missing that....
The rest of the week has been spent WORKING...& getting my babies from one activity to another.. & a house full of kids....
I have been having so much FUN with my kids & their friends...
I have been wondering if I really want to work full time anymore....
I never thought that my children would need me MORE as they got older...but they do.
No... I am not in the position to make any drastic changes at the moment... the job market sucks, & getting hired by a company in Norway is not easy.... I would be crazy to just quit..
But still... a girl can wish.
I am now gearing up for one CRAZY month.... May is always crazy...
Baby boy has his birthday coming up...
first time EVER, I am this close in & haven't planned anything...
'eek.. somehow, someway I will pull if off...
we have Norway's' national day... school plays.. & lots of other holidays....
So if I go MIA for a while you know where I am...


paige said…
Sounds like fun! I'm just now starting to feel this way, too. I missed those same things about the states. I love all of the people from all around the world who surround me, though. It's a change and I love it!
Cristin said…
Oh, it does sound like fun!

Good luck with May.
I haven't been by in a sweet forever! I'm thrilled you had a good time with girlfriend and felt "at home". : )

May is crazy here too...this weekend is the ONLY weekend without something planned. My goal? Clean the house. Whooo! : )

Have a good weekend!
Jill said…
Oh T - I so look forward to calling any place "home"... it's been so long!

It sounds like you had so much fun... what a treat!

And yeah, the kids definitely do need more as they get older... I am enjoying being a SAHM - much more than I thought I would. :)

Of course... there are the days that I would love to not talk about poop.
magicdarts said…
sounds like you really needed that weekend and its great to feel connected to where you are living however long that takes

Here in jolly old rural England the missus and I are excited to have joined the local Bowling (that's crown green) club as social members - ok the members are mostly over 60, but it's the cheapest bar in the village so what the hey!

Keep in touch!!
Robbi said…

You sound very happy and content, and at home. I'm so glad for you. It sounds like you have a great group of people around you with family and friends.

Have a great month.
scargosun said…
You can totally hear the fun in your post! I am SO glad you had such a great time and enjoyed the company of friends!
Kelli Nørgaard said…
so glad you have a group that makes you feel that way.... I have a group just like that here in DK! Makes us doubly-blessed.
Yay for crazy/busy weeks and LOTS of ABBA!
PiNG aka Patti said…
I love that I now know people from tons of different countries - makes life much more exciting!
Happy May celebrations - be happy, you are at lest through 1st of May! :-)

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