Tusday... around the world....Dublin

Communal Global has started Tuesdays around the world....
Today is the day! We want to see your Tuesday! Today's theme is "At the park, or on a walk." Share your day with us! Where do you like to walk? Do you have a favorite park, and why do you love it so? We want to know!
This is my walk along the River Liffey in Dublin this weekend
... sigh...
Have I mentioned I LOVE LOVE LOVE Dublin?

So after ya'll give me a little comment love... (come on, I've missed y'all) Head on over to Communal Global & share your Tuesday from YOUR corner of the world...


Just SO said…
Oh how I want to go and visit those colorful doors across the river! What a fun walk!
scargosun said…
I SOOOO want to visit there! Scotland was fun but Ireland...home of my fave beers. Ahhhhh!
Mamí♥Picture said…
Oh wow!! i love it!!!
WeLcOmE BaCk...【ツ】
Hey there! I sent an email about your martini party - check your spam box for it if it isnt in your inbox!
magicdarts said…
Ah yes, I still remember my taxi driver, winding down the window as we crossed a bridge over the Liffey - "take a look at that" he said, "that's the last time you'll see the Liffey sober!" - he wasn't kiddin!

So glad you had a great time!!
Unknown said…
I love this picture. It looks like you had a wonderful time with tons of opportunities for picture taking. I love that : )
Natasha in Oz said…
I just love Dublin too! Is that near that famous little bridge...can't recall the name of it...you had to pay to cross it...Oh I will probably remember later...I think I had too many samples of Jameson's from the distillery when I was near that bridge!

Best wishes,
I'm gad you had such a great time! This shot is stunning. I also love the colored doors.

So glad you are "back" from a great trip!
Batgirl said…
More pictures please! :-) I haven't played tourist in Dublin for a long time - last time we were there it was a mad dash from the airport to our wedding florist, and then another mad dash down the country for our parents meeting for the first time.

Hope you found time to have a pint in the Gravity Bar! :-)
cat said…
Great picture.
Jill said…
Hey lady... wow... what a pretty photo. I would love to go to Ireland one day. Heck, I'd love to go to a park...
Anonymous said…
Looks lovely, I would like to visit Dublin one day.
paige said…
First of all "give me some sugar..." = cutest thing I've seen above a comment box EVER.

Second, I found you at communal global. I love the picture.

Third, I seriously need to get to Ireland. I mean I can practically touch it from my living room. Need to make that happen.

I love your blog!
Anonymous said…
Nice shot! I haven't been to Ireland yet but it is definitely on my list. My family are Irish decedents so I have to get there sometime.

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