Birthday Blast... can you say procrastination?

Tomorrow is Eva's birthday party... FINALLY...poor thing... normally I am sooo on top of the birthday party thing... it is one of my favorite things to do... but this year...

Well, we have had a lot going on, & we wanted to wait until after school started so that we could invite all of her new classmates... These were the invites... which I was really pleased with....

But it seems I have kinda dropped the ball on the cake this year...
18 hours until the guests arrive & I have yet to decide on a cake! eeeekkk

& y'all know how much I like winging a cake at the LAST MINUTE...

So when I should be baking... here I sit...dreaming... of what I would LIKE to make....
maybe in my next life I will have time to take some cake decorating classes

I will let y'all know what I end up with at about 2 am tomorrow morning...


Anonymous said…
I added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit mine and become a follower if you want to.

God Bless You ~Ron
Wooaw !!! Its that A unique Slipper cake !!! very good idea,,, how much is that big cake??

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