First day of school in Norway...

So my babies started school last week...
Dane is in the 6th grade & Eva is starting school as a FIRST GRADER....
We don't have Kindergarten here... so this was REALLY a BIG Deal!

So glad my mom & dad were here for the big day....

Both kids are loving their new teachers & seeing alll of their friends again....


Jen said…
Lovely photos of the first day of school :) . You have gorgeous kids :)
rach said…
They both look so cute and I love Eva's outfit! I hope she's having fun! Must have been hard to see them off!
I don't even have kids and I love the first day of school! School supplies, back packs, lunch bags....all of it! :)
Ashley Sisk said…
They look so great for their first day of school. I don't care what year it is, isn't it fun to capture the first day!
Natalie said…
Very beautiful children! Stunning photos as well! I am your newest follower! :-) have a great week!
Anonymous said…
Now that IS a big day - your first day at school. My son started in real school too last week...
Kelli Nørgaard said…
Precious precious kiddoes!!!!
Precious photos! Your kids are adorable :)
BenLand said…
i love your daughter's outfit!!! your kids are so cute!

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