Luau in Norway... Eva's 6th Birthday...

Party went off without a hitch today....
I think the LUAU theme was a big hit... at least the Norwegians can not say we are not original in our themes :-)

Managed to throw together a FLIP FLOP cake at the last min.... I was pretty pleased with the end results.... NEXT year however... I am going to be a bit more organized & start planning ahead of time... hee hee.. (I say that every year)

We had ice cream sundaes & I really enjoyed getting to know all of Eva's new classmates... what a lovely bunch of girls.

I am PRETTY SURE I FINALLY have some DOWN TIME... S.I.G.H.......

Wish I could end this post with something witty... but at this point... 4 hours of sleep, having had 15 kids over & a husband out of town... well my brain is pretty much MUSH....
Night all....


Kelly said…
It looks like everything turned out perfectly AND the birthday girl looks like she had a blast - you're such a good Mommy!!!
I just love your theme. The cake is so cute, and your daughter is just adorable!
Tezzie said…
Awesome theme party! I'll have to see if I can convince my daughter to go for that one next year...I've juuuust about managed to convince her to NOT have another princess party this year, and instead do a Hello Kitty party (not original, I know, but she's only turning 4...there's only so many themes she'll agree to! ;D)

Your cake is AWESOME, and it sure looks like your Eva and her friends had a wonderful time!
Kelli Nørgaard said…
I think this was a FABULOUS idea! Think of all the great experiences that Eva's friends get to experience because they have a friend with an American mommy!! :-)
Rochelle said…
What a fun party! Love the cake!
Editor said…
Great job on the cake! The party looks like it was a lot of fun. Your daughter looks just like you!

Happy birthday to her!
SO CUTE! Good job girl!!!! I even "tweeted" about this! ;) ps get on twitter!

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