Happiness is....

Happiness Is...

HAPPINESS IS..... I decided to play along this week with Pastor's Girl's Ponderings

To play along, just write a post with two things that made you happy this week (or more. If you're rule defier. Hehe.), with a link to Her ...the Happiness Is button. Then come back here and link up!

There are so many things that made me Happy this past week....

Wondering around in a foreign country...new city... just snapping photos... My husband doesn't understand why I love taking pictures of OLD Buildings, Street signs.. etc...
He doesn't get it.. & that is OK... it makes me happy...

I like to play the "just imagine game with myself... "... Just imagine how this USED to look... just imagine all of the things that happened here.... WOW...

The thing that made me MOST happy was spending time with my mom & dad... that in itself is such a PRECIOUS GIFT....
Amazing how a girl who loves her family soooo much, could move so far away from them...
sometimes I wonder how I ended up on the otherside of the world from them....

Hope you enjoy a few shots from Krakow last week.....

My Daddy... :-)

What made you happy this week?


Lisa said…
That last picture made me happy this week! :D
Ashley Sisk said…
Old buildings make me happy too. That last shot makes me especially happy!
Stein said…
Flott å se at andre liker å ta bilder av gamle bygninger også. Ingen andre jeg reiser med skjønner dette :p

Har forresten lest bloggen med interesse i flere måneder nå. Interessant å se hvor mye som er forskjell mellom USA og Norge.
BenLand said…
Lovely photos - looking gorgeous darling x

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