FAT girl slim.... Black leather pants....

OK... I wasn't going to post about this... but I am just sooo excited I have to share... :-)

As y'all know, I have um.... weight issues....always have... probably always will...

I don't like to blog about my weight issues cause you never know which ex-boyfriend is reading my blog... (by the way... I am sooo much HOTTER than I was in College...) anyhoo...

Diets? - yep... I am on them ALL OF THE TIME.... EXCEPT of course, when I am not.. which has brought me to the point where I am.. /was...

I went home this summer...F.A.T ... AGAIN.... I had resigned myself to middle age.. & decided that the boxes & boxes of small clothes in the basement would be thrown away when we returned to Norway....

I even told several people on my trip home... "yes, I am fatter than I have ever been...but really I am happy..." & I thought I was.....

UNTIL, went out for cocktails with my BEAUTIFUL Kansas City girls & a couple of them KNOCKED MY SOCKS off.... OMG.... what had they been doing?...

HCG diet... never heard of it... but after hearing about my girlfriends sisters 75 lb loss... well hell, I was willing to try it...

The diet itself is good... the hard part has been all of the traveling & guests I have had lately... not easy to stay on program when you are staying at someones house.. or you have guests...birthday parties, etc...

Despite all of the interruptions..
I have lost 20 lbs in 6 weeks & I FEEL GOOD... WOO HOO...
I know, I KNOW... it is fast... but I FEEL AWESOME & am soooo motivated to keep on keeping on.

When I decided to get into shape..A G A I N... to feel GREAT for my upcoming 40th birthday I had a goal in mind....

My size 8 black leather pants . I bought them when I had dropped my BABY WEIGHT (60 lbs.) from Dane... oh yes, I still have them, 11 years later, in the "small" box.

Ran down to the basement to dig out a warm coat for this weekends Party... & dug out the leather pants... sigh...
maybe I will take them upstairs to have in my bedroom...you know... keep me motivated....
maybe, I will just slip them on now.. to have an idea how much more weight I will have to lose to get them on....
maybe... as I slip them on... past my calves...past my thighs... HOLY CRAP...
Now question for you... Can I wear them... without looking like they are my skinny black pants from 11 years ago? Or are they totally OUT?
My Fashoinista girlfriends from OSLO... (Hei Lauren & Tracy!) have assured me leather pants are still in as long as they are not MOM CUT...

Now what the heck would I wear them with?


Lisa said…
CONGRATS!! That has to feel sooo good! :D

And I think anything goes in Norway...as long as confidence is your main accessory!
Unknown said…
Working on the confidence bit Lisa!
Michelle Tressa said…
Hi, passing by from SITS!

Wow, congratulations... that's pretty awesome!! But honestly, can't help you on what to wear with the leather pants. Never owned any in my life. But I bet you'll rock them whatever you pair them with!

Happy Wednesday!
Rebecca Jo said…
Oh my gosh... that's awesome!!! Congrats on the weight loss!

Heck, with a hot body, I'd wear a tight t-shirt with it! :)

I've gotta go check out this diet now!
That is the best feeling in the world. I'm going to check it out because since my wedding in May, I've gained back 12 of the 20 I lost before hand. *sigh*
WEAR EM! GO FOR IT! And go you! I must say I am jealous. I have a LOT of baby weight to lose. My skinny pants sit atop my shelf, mocking me...
lisa said…
Congrats on the black pants! Don't forget that weight is just a number & be healthy..... blah blah blah. :) LOL! Are you doing the drops or shots? I started the drops. Co-workers have been happy with their results.
Keep up the killer work girl!!!! I say wear what you want if they make you feel good :)
Anonymous said…
Congrats, would love to see how you look in those pants. I don't like women in trashy leather, but classy leather. if you wear nice heels or boots with them and a ribbed sweater, and on cold days a matching short hip length leather jacket would be sexy And Classy...

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