I still think it is kindda cute...hmmmmm

So remember my last post about the leather pants... ahem... only a few people commented that I should GO FOR IT.... no one said not to... but I don't know if people could just care less... or they don't want to hurt my feelings...

The Oslo girls once again assured me I could pull off the leather pants... but no one could give me any suggestions as to what I should pair them with....

I suggested my jean jacket... where I received a resounding... HELL NO....

Hmmmm... I am still thinking that I kindda like the combo... but then again... seeing as I have been running around in sweats for the past 6 years (kidding) I am out of practice as far as new styles... I have been going "safe" since I got pregnant with Eva....

I found this picture & I am still thinking it is a cute look....
too bad I will not be able to get any feedback before I leave for the PAR-TAY in an hour... but maybe I will try the look for something else...

Thoughts?- suggestions? help a mommy out.


Frizzy said…
I'm no fashionista but I think that look is too cute! Hope you have a blast!
Robbi said…
Maybe a red silk top with the black leather pants?

Enjoy the party and have a great weekend!
rach said…
first of all- GO YOU for that 20 pound weight loss- im jealous! secondly with your leather pants i would go for a tank top with some studs or sequins on the top with a jacket- jean or not and some heels! rock it out! but whatever you put with it im sure will look fabulous- nothing beats that confidence accessory!
Crystal Escobar said…
So did you go for it? You should definitely post a picture! I know I'm too late now, but I think you should do it! I think leather pants are awesome!!!
I'm new to your blog, just love it! Now a new follower, so I'll be coming back. I look forward to getting to know you better.
Michelle Tressa said…
I have to say, that is a pretty cute look. I was just thinking, too, how about one of those cute fitted little off the shoulder tops? Maybe charcoal grey or black. Sassy and sexy! lol

Sorry I'm way late, but you can always try it out for another occasion. Say, like a girls night? Oh, with a few layers of silver necklaces, a couple bangles on your wrist, and a cute pair of boots. Yeah sure, now I have ideas. Sorry! hahaha
Kelli Nørgaard said…
You are one hip mom! That is for sure! No matter what you pair it with, you are going to look ADORABLE!
Kelly said…
I am definitely not one to give fashion advise as I prefer elastic waist-banded, 12 year old shorts....so I declined to comment on the dress choice (it's for your own good!!)
Still so proud of you!!! XXOO
I like the look except for the shoes. Please tell me you have better shoes or boots than the ones in the pic.

Boots would be awesome.
Anonymous said…
Anything will do! Leather pants rule. ;)

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