Pencil Skirts & RIB Boats...

TWO things that


Last week I had a couple of important meetings....

I was meeting with all of the "BOYS..."

The owners of my company... our distributer from Germany & a couple of ...ahem..


I had planned my outfit... I was feeling GOOD... my skinny pencil skirt..pretty new blouse.. & my favorite heels ...

The plan was to meet at my office... do a little tour, & then off to lunch at a local hotel...

The morning of the meeting I come click clacking into the office.... click click click...

My co-worker.. A$$ #1 comments on how nice I look.... Umm well Thank you... (feeling pretty good about myself...)

Then he lets out a little chuckle...

A #1 :"Ummm.. You do know that plans have changed & we are going out on the owners boat today right? "

Me " your such an ass... your kiddding RIGHT?"

A#1 - "No... I mean, I'm not really sure what is going on (trying to save his butt) - but I THINK we are going on a boat..."
I was thinking about texting you..but....

With no time to drive home (and no "sporty" outfit picked out) I figured if A#1 wasn't lying- I would just have to be a trooper & would GRACeFULLY sit in the cabin of the boat while we took a little cruise....

We finished our meeting .. & headed out to the water... to my SHOCK & HORROR it wasn't just any boat... NO.... it was a RIB boat.. Yeah.. some military thing..

The owner gave me a smirk & said something about me not really dressed for the occasion...

HAD SOMEONE (ASSES 1-3) sent me the message, I would have been....

I was handed some sort of Cold Water Survival Suit... (this is Scandinavia in the fall afterall..)

I kicked off my heels & pondered how the hell I would get this suit on with 7 men surrounding me...

Umm... I think I will pass... as I handed the suit back... I ended up wearing the owners jacket & wool cap... my bosses down coat tied around my legs... as I hopped on the RIB BOAT....

Did I mention the these RIB boats do not have real seats... & they sure as hell don't have a "cabin"... Oh noooooo...

On the boat there was a bench sort of thing that you had to STRADDLE...

I tried the whole side saddle approach until the boat went over 60 knots..
I decided it was better to bite the bullet & straddle the bench rather than end up in the water.

The little "cruise?" nah... we were going to all the way into Oslo.... with beer stops of course...

We ended up in Oslo for dinner....

Now how to you climb out of a RIB boat up onto the pier in a PENCIL SKIRT?
Umm not. very. GRACEFULL. :-)

I did however, insist on being the last out of the boat so I only flashed a few passing boats...

Actually, I had a great time with all of the boys... deep down, I really am one of the boys...

The meeting? A S U C C E S S
GUESS WHO is going to CANNES next month
to see all of the NEW spring colors & check out all of the new scents?
So I guess, dressing like a girl & drinking like a boy worked out anyway....
Now.. what to wear... I am sure there will be several upcoming posts begging for outfit ideas...


Synneopsis said…
Actually laughing out loud, not only LOLing. You always write with humour. (Not the previous post, - I'm sorry. Kondolerer.)
Lorac said…
Too funny! Good for you for going witht the flow and showing you were one of the guys!
MommyLisa said…
Yeah. Drinking like a boy in Norway does help. A Lot!

Flink Jente!
Dumbwit Tellher said…
Priceless! Bravo to you & not letting these men get the best of you,

I love a girl that can stand up @ the bar with the boys. Cannes, what a trip that will be! Good for you.

My husband interviewed with a Norwegian co. last week. With offices here, Stavanger, Oslo & Scotland. Has me thinking about what it would be like to live in Norway!

Have a terrific rest of this week. ( :
Unknown said…
I can not even imagine this. So hilarious. Can't believe you are going to Cannes. Imagine the stories : )
Anonymous said…
Sounds like they put you up for a challenge and you ROCKED that occasion :) well done :D
Hello from a fellow donke tribe member!
Lisa said…
That is both horrifying and hilarious! It is totally something I would wind up doing, but I'd be all "Well, at least I wore cute panties" to the guys (because, let's face it, I act more like a guy than a girl most times, and nothing is sacred!) Glad it was a success and you made it through!

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