My Horoscope today.....

2/19 – 3/20
For once, you don't have to know all the facts beforehand -- just take the leap.
"Slow down... your moving too fast.... " but then again, my Horoscop0e is telling me to go for it...
Big changes could be coming my way.... please cross your fingers & toes for me...
Thank you for your well wishes... my daddy is doing great... itching to get back to the office.. (eyes rolling )


Anonymous said…
the river-bed, because it ensures the survival of the fittest in every [url=]uggs[/url] that comes after the compensation of a arduous reproach that demanded our
Greetings from sunny philippines!. Very nice site and posts you got here. Will keep in touch of your updates from now on. Cheers and more power always!
Crystal Escobar said…
I'm a pisces too, yay for us :)

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